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Posted: September 10, 2022, 14:34 Post #1
This was crossposted with the #announcements channel on the FactionFiles Community Discord.

Today, the FactionFiles team is very happy to announce something that's been in the hopper for a while - we're partnering with our friends at Reload Magazine for a Red Faction mapping Jam in the month of October!

The goal for this Jam is to inject some new life into the RF modding scene, and also help expose the broader FPS gaming community to Red Faction as a robust platform for mods and custom levels.

All of the details on the Jam are listed below. Be sure to head to the #workshop channel on the FF Discord if you have any questions :)

As well, be sure to check out our partner - Reload Magazine on Discord


Event: Reload Magazine x FactionFiles Red Faction SP Jam
Dates: October 1st - October 21st 2022.
Task: Create a single-player level or short campaign for the game "Red Faction".

- Your submission must be a new single-player level or campaign, not a project you'd already started in the past.
- There is no required theme for your submission, and you are on the honor system to only make your project within the allotted time frame.
- You may create a conversion mod to accompany your single-player level or campaign, but you do not have to do so.
- Don't use ripped assets. Make your own assets or use stuff you are licensed to use from legit sources. It is perfectly fine to start working on creating assets before the jam period starts, just don't starting making the levels themselves until the jam starts.
- Your entry can also use any amount of assets available in the base Red Faction game, but we strongly encourage you to use custom assets where it makes sense. We want to inject new life into the RF Modding scene with this jam. You get bonus internet points if you allow your art to be open-licensed for future Red Faction modders.
- No hateful (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) or sexually explicit content is allowed.
- Your level or campaign MUST be designed for single-player. Wow us with what you can do!
- The jam is ranked. This is our hand-picked panel of judges that will be ranking submissions:

- Zach Murphy
- Major Arlene
- Chris "Goober" Parsons
- Duane Jones

Please visit the #workshop channel on the FactionFiles Discord server with any questions and/or requests for support (or to show off your progress) as you create your Red Faction levels! If you are new to mapping/modding for Red Faction, the editing page on the RF Wiki has a wealth of reference materials and tutorials available: https://www.redfactionwiki.com/wiki/RF1_Editing_Main_Page

Once you've finished your work, head to the file upload section on FactionFiles to submit it: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=upload_0
When submitting your file, be sure to indicate in the file description that it is an entry for the Reload Magazine x FactionFiles Jam!

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM (EST) on October 21st, 2022 - your work must be submitted to FactionFiles.com before that time following the above process.

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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