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Posted: December 7, 2020, 5:24 Post #1
This was crossposted with the #announcements channel on the Red Faction Community Discord.

Release of the Red Faction Unite 5 Community Map Pack

The RFU5 map pack has been released! Over 15 years after the release of RFU4 comes RFU5 - a community mapping project with the theme "Maps from Other Games". This pack is the culmination of weeks of dedicated work from some of Red Faction's best level designers, and the results are incredible!

You can download the full map pack here: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=518436

Each individual level is also available for download on FactionFiles here: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=search&pageaction=searchfiles&search_query=RFU5&file_searchby=7&file_searchgame=1&file_searchcat=1&file_sort=5

Furthermore, these maps will be featured at the upcoming Red Faction Game Night 32 event on Dec 12! Hope to see you there!

PS. As a reminder, if you enjoyed these maps, try to remember to leave a review for the author on FactionFiles - I know everyone appreciates the feedback!

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