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Posted: December 1, 2020, 22:53 Post #1
This was crossposted with the #announcements channel on the Red Faction Community Discord.

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a few quick updates about the FactionFiles.com website.

1. As nick previously mentioned, for a little while now we've been working on restructuring the FF website. This process has concluded today and the forums have been transitioned to an archive - all existing forum boards and threads will remain available, but users are now directed to this Discord server for help and RF discussion.

2. The backend of the map AutoDownload system (for Dash/PF) has been overhauled to be more functional and useful to everyone - the biggest change is the addition of batch RFL checking, allowing server operators and players to quickly query the AutoDownload system with a list of level files to determine which are already available and which must be uploaded to the site before they're available for in-game (and on-site) download. I'm not sure if the availability of this page has been widely known before, but you can find it at: https://autodl.factionfiles.com/

3. Lastly, all maps on the map AutoDownload system are now visible and searchable on the site! This process has been on-going over the course of roughly 11 years, and we're glad to have finally reached this milestone. This means that now, if you search FactionFiles for a map and receive no results, that map is also missing from the AutoDownloader. If you have a copy of the map we would ask you to please upload it to help out the community. :v

As always, if you have any ideas for how we can make the Discord more useful for you and the community as a whole, please post in #ff-general (or DM one of our Administrators if you'd prefer to keep it private).

Thanks for continuing to make Faction Files the best place for everything Red Faction!

The Red Faction Community lives!

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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