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Posted: January 4, 2010, 4:21 Post #1
Frustrated with the current state of the PC version of Red Faction: Guerrilla? Tell us here.

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Posted: January 4, 2010, 4:43 Post #2
I'll start off the thread, but I really don't know where to begin. Things are in such a sad state now that it's really hard to pick one thing to focus on. Actually, let's start off with the Windows 7 problem.

For many people on Windows 7, this game just runs TOO FAST - plain and simple. In single player this can be either interesting or annoying, depending on how you like to play. In multiplayer, you've got a giant advantage because you can outrun everybody else. (Seems to be about 1.4x speed) The speed problem seems to be tied to the framerate... hmmm, haven't we seen this before? Oh, that's right, the original Red Faction had this problem too. One difference though - original RF players started seeing this problem 5 or 6 years after it was released. I saw this problem the very DAY RF:G was released. (Update: A third-party developer has released a patch to fix the problem. Funny how the community has to clean up after Volition's mistakes. Get it here.)

Volition has pussied out in saying that Windows 7 isn't officially supported. Smooth move to not support an OS that is in public beta at the time of release, and was officially released a month later. (As far as I know, the patch doesn't fix this problem, but I can't tell you for sure as the patch has broken my game.)

I guess I'll rant about the multiplayer component now. There's a lot to say. First off, there are no dedicated servers, there are no configurable listen servers, there is no server browser, there is no text chat, the voice chat sucks, blah blah, nothing fucking works right. We all knew that. What lots of people don't know is that multiplayer cheating is easy as pie (even automatic if you're on Win7 :D) and that custom settings can be forced during a match. (This might be fixed in the patch; Volition said it was, but again, I can't test.) RF:G's horribly broken matchmaking system seems to have been designed to kill the game off quickly. Trouble getting a game one-two months after release? Nice job Volition. Dunno if people just stopped playing or if the matchmaking is making it impossible to play. (Probably both)

The whole EXP/unlock system in multiplayer is stupid and broken. I got my EXP to skyrocket just by playing lots of Team Bagman over and over and turtling around with friends on Vent. We rarely lost a match, and that's probably because we could actually communicate with each other through Vent instead of the game's "chat". It's also ridiculously easy to hack your EXP and get all the unlocks (just edit an integer in the file, lololol) and while it's not really a problem because it's not too much of an advantage (except for the EDF Grunt having more health, lololol), it still should be fixed so it's not so bloody easy.

The patch. The long-awaited patch. I'm sure you know the deal by now. It fixes some people's problems, does nothing for other people's problems, and breaks the game for the rest. It broke my game, and no, it's not the problem where the cracked launcher causes an infinite loop. The game starts and then crashes. Awesome job, Volition.

All-in-all, the game is a monumental fuckup, and there's no saving it now. I'm fairly convinced that no amount of community support can resurrect this game. However, that's not to say that we won't try. Faction Files will keep hosting RF:G files and forums, and will most likely continue to be the #1 source for RF:G stuff.

It's just very sad to see a long-awaited game degenerate into nothing.
Edited by Mitzi at January 4, 2010, 20:14

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Posted: January 4, 2010, 11:20 Post #3
Quoting digital_ruler
and that custom settings can be forced during a match. (This might be fixed in the patch; Volition said it was, but again, I can't test.)
Apparently it was Reactor Zero who said it was.

Whoever it was - they lied. I was in a non-custom matchmaking game with 150% health 5 minutes after I was told it was fixed. (obviously just for testing - I don't intentionally fuck up MP games :P)

Anyway, I don't think I could match that rant (not now anyway) so I won't try. Well said. The only issue I really have besides what you already touched on is the complete lack of (first party) edit ability.
Edited by Goober at January 4, 2010, 11:22

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Posted: January 4, 2010, 16:23 Post #4
Quoting Goober
The only issue I really have besides what you already touched on is the complete lack of (first party) edit ability.

Yeah, I didn't even bother to mention that because everybody knows it already.

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Posted: January 5, 2010, 4:28 Post #5
I was utterly bewildered that they didn't include the ability to switch from first person to third person (like Fallout 3). I've never really liked third person shooters but bought two copies of RF:G because I had high hopes, wanted to play with my kids, and wanted to support the developer.

I never could get RF:G to work on my laptop (despite it far exceeding the specs and having two video cards). I got it to work on my main computer but just never felt the love...so stopped playing it.

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Posted: January 5, 2010, 4:58 Post #6
It's quite the bummer, isn't it?

I can't help but think I should have seen this coming after the abomination that was RF2, but hey, Guerrilla looked cool. The PC version would have been fine with some more developer effort. (Don't forget that Reactor Zero, the people who ported it to PC, have some pretty close ties to Outrage, who did the PC port of RF2. Same founder and everything.)
Edited by Mitzi at January 5, 2010, 5:01

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Posted: January 5, 2010, 11:27 Post #7
Quoting digital_ruler
The PC version would have been fine with some developer effort.


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Posted: January 5, 2010, 16:23 Post #8
Nah, I'll give them credit for actually releasing something.

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Posted: January 5, 2010, 21:45 Post #9
Seems that Volition's money making strategy relies more on Release a game , sell a bunch of copy's as fast as possible and kill it rather than build strong costumer relations

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Posted: January 5, 2010, 21:50 Post #10
I think really the problem with that lies with THQ. Honestly, it works well for the kind of games that THQ usually publishes. A game like Red Faction is waaaaay out of THQ's league, both in sales and post-sale support. Development too TBH.
Edited by Mitzi at January 5, 2010, 22:13

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Posted: January 7, 2010, 14:09 Post #11
Not everything Thq makes fails , I think this is their master piecePosted Image

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Posted: January 8, 2010, 16:56 Post #12
All this and I was about to (finally) buy a copy of RF:G in a couple of days...

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Posted: January 19, 2010, 9:00 Post #13
why they dont want to give out dev tool and map/object builder?
i mean that is what made great games realy great think about half-live or quake ppl still play them or mods for them.
ppl didnt keept on playing them because of grafiks or because they are so different from others but because then can make the game they want with it and enjoy more new maps in multiplayer every day.

i have to say im fucking happy i didnt buy the game, i planed to when i first heard of a new RF but after findig out there was only 3. person i decided to try it out first.
now that i finaly finished the sp part of the game i have to say it was a good coice not to buy it.
i wanted to eat my keyboard like every 2 or 3 missions or when some of that idiot gurillia spawns think he needs to kill himself again.

buildings fall through the ground its so bad why the fuck do i have 8g ram and a i7 if the game only using about 20% if not 10% of that power, i would have not that much problems i think with more broken stuff stays there so why cant that be scaled like nothing stys for low end pc evrey screw stays there.

in multi player its even worse if what i read is true:
build in hack for win 7 users, no dedicated servers wtf, no server browser, no chat(or working chat) and broken exp sys.

i would still buy it if they release the dev tools because ppl could do something about all that fail the devs did there, make interesting maps to play in multiplayer, make mods with that great geo mod 2.0 its so fucking powerfull why it has to be in such a crappy game.

nuff sayed, wait not
forgot to say

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Posted: January 19, 2010, 16:03 Post #14
And when you think about it, Geo-Mod 2.0 really isn't that inventive. It's just a bunch of pieces that fall apart when you shoot them. Thing is, nobody has really done it before, so it makes it revolutionary. Unreal Engine 3 has something similar though, and I hope to see more games taking advantage of it.

Good post, Affe mit Waffe :D

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Posted: January 19, 2010, 19:05 Post #15
I have full confidence that RF:G could be remade on UE3 - and run better.

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Posted: February 9, 2010, 17:18 Post #16
Good news! RZ/Volition is releasing a second PC patch for RF:G. This one looks like it's going to fix a huge chunk of the issues people are having, which is really good to hear.

Here's a list of what will be in the second patch:
Quoting V-Singular
*DirectX 9 or 10 selection will now be available using the "-nod3d10" launcher parameter.
*Fine Aim can now be toggled at any time except for sprinting.
*An option for "V-Sync" will be added to the "Options" menu.
*Fixed an issue with weapon selection sticking.
*Fixed Siege and Damage Control target indicators so they will now stay in position within 16:10 resolutions.
*Fixed an error in the resolution list where previously only 16 resolutions could be shown at once.
*Fixed an error where an "Enter" hint was being displayed during auto-saving.

...and here are some things they say are still being worked on:
Quoting V-Singular
*Windows 7 / Vista speed-up issue is still being worked on.
*Launcher should now default to "Normal" priority.
*Turret speed will be getting tweaked again.

While this patch isn't going to have anything huge like dedicated servers or a server browser, I'm still really glad to see all these issues being fixed. A significant chunk of the community is still unable to play the game properly, and this patch seems like it's going to solve those problems at the very least, and hopefully solve other minor issues as well. Hopefully this will restore some multiplayer activity.
Edited by Mitzi at February 9, 2010, 17:20

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