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and like this

Posted: January 11, 2020, 14:27 Post #1
Thanks to rafalh's V3D Tool, importing static meshes into Red Faction is now possible without needing to use 3Ds Max from nearly 20 years ago. rafalh's tool enables Red Faction map and mod makers to convert from the GLTF common file format directly to V3M files for use as static meshes in Red Faction.

This is a quick video tutorial showing how to import a public domain health kit static mesh as a Red Faction health pack pickup.

Additional resources:
* https://opengameart.org/content/health-kit - Public domain mesh used in this tutorial
* https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=517980 - V3D Tool version used in this video
* https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=2797 - DM Tools (VPP Builder, Viewer, etc.) used in this video
* https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=517981 - Downloadable version of the mod created in this video
* https://discord.gg/fRrUzuV - Red Faction community Discord
* https://factionfiles.com - Red Faction community & custom file archive
* http://redfaction.help - Red Faction quick links and FAQ

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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