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Posted: August 17, 2018, 8:03 Post #1
Just thought I'd post this as a reference.

Code		Effect
ZZZZZZZZ Bouncy Grenades
ZZZZWXZZ Bullet Gibs
YXZWZXYW Director's Cut
YYYYYYYY Fire Bullets
XXXXYZXX Instagib Ammo
WZXYWZXY Instagib Explosions
ZYZYXXWW Rapid Rails
XXYWYWZ Super Health
YWXZYZXW Unlimited Ammo
ZXZXZXZX Unlimited Grenades
YZWZYXWX Unlock all Cheats
ZYXWYZXX Unlock all Levels
WWWWWWWW Wacky Deaths
XXXXXXXX Zombie Walk

I'll add the cheat codes for other platforms later.

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Posted: April 17, 2020, 20:26 Post #2
Does anyone know what Directors Cut does??

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Posted: June 10, 2020, 11:58 Post #3
Quoting VideoJames
Does anyone know what Directors Cut does??

From: https://www.ign.com/faqs/2003/red-faction-ii-walkthrough-376357

"This walkthrough assumes you're on HARD mode. You don't need to be, but when
I say something's hard or dangerous, it might not be depending on your
difficulty. If you're using the Director's Cut cheat, well, may god have

Sounds like "Directors Cut" increase the difficult of the game. I didn't tested it myself.

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