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Posted: February 23, 2018, 19:54 Post #1

I've set up a Discord server for Faction Files. Feel free to join and discuss anything related to the site or the Red Faction series, even if you're not a Faction Files user. Also, we occasionally disable new registrations as a result of mass amounts of forum spam, so this will provide would-be new users an avenue to talk to Faction Files administrators, rather than having to track us down on YouTube and other platforms as has happened in the past.

If registrations are disabled and you or someone you know is trying to register a Faction Files account to ask a question, leave a comment, write a review, upload a file, or just because you/they want to become a member, please join us on Discord and ask a site administrator (the moderators on our Discord server) to enable registrations for you.



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Posted: September 1, 2018, 11:56 Post #2
going to bump this again, since the discord group has had a spike in recent overall activity. I actually NEVER view the forum I just click on "files" and mostly just view threads (list of most recent) on the right-side panel so with that said maybe a few others do the same thing and they will see this thread and join the discord group. Hopefully in the near future, someone bumps this same topic on the rf steam discussion forum.
Edited by shark5678 at September 1, 2018, 11:58

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Posted: May 9, 2019, 2:08 Post #3

Just wanted to bump this thread in case someone is browsing FactionFiles and hasn't joined yet.

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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