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Pages: [1]
Posted: January 22, 2016, 13:29
Post #1
Hey guys !
Wazzup ? I know i missed alot in over 6 months since i moved to Italy however i cant reply or talk sooner or later due to bad signal from a random net connectkon i found available free as im typing this fromm y phone..until i get back home to Romania u guys won.t see me online.. But ice should l et u know about my situation. KEEP PLAYING AND MAPPING
Ps. Got no computer or anything here..
Mitzi Posts: 400
Joined: September 11, 2009, 17:01
Posted: January 22, 2016, 23:03
Post #2
Posted: January 23, 2016, 6:40
Post #3
Hi Runmaster SeeL!

Nice to hear from you! I hope Italy is treating you well!
The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our
Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
Pages: [1]