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Posted: January 2, 2016, 6:06 Post #1
I cannot seem to get this mod, https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=396, to work. This is the readme file:

1) unzip "SPBACK" in your game folder "C:\Program Files\Volition Inc\Red Faction Guerrilla"

2) execute INSTALLSWITCH.bat

3) edite the files SP_BACKPACK.BAT to your choice and save it
exemple :
set SPEED=X5

SPEED : X1.2, X5, X10, X15, X20, X25

your configuration of mod installed automaticly and game launch

execute RESTOR_BACKUP.BAT to uninstall (backup maked when you install mod)

I had to change the SP_BACKPACK.BATA to SP_BACKPACK.bat because i couldnt execute it. But When i run it a window appears and says "Gibbed.Volition.Unpack has stopped working" and then it loads the game by itself and then it freezes. Am I not doing this right or? I am new to this kind of modding. I only ever used Mod Manager but the backpack mod does not work right.

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Posted: January 2, 2016, 13:28 Post #2
What OS are you running?

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Posted: January 2, 2016, 22:56 Post #3
Quoting Goober
What OS are you running?

Sorry I forgot to mention it. Im using windows 7 Ultimate.

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Posted: January 3, 2016, 6:25 Post #4
Ok so this mod comes with 2009-era versions of gibbed's tools. I would try replacing them with something a bit newer from here https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=517001

Also make sure you can run the gibbed tools at all with/without his mod, maybe there's a .net framework issue

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Posted: January 3, 2016, 8:10 Post #5
Quoting Mitzi
Ok so this mod comes with 2009-era versions of gibbed's tools. I would try replacing them with something a bit newer from here https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=517001

Also make sure you can run the gibbed tools at all with/without his mod, maybe there's a .net framework issue

I replaced the Gibbed tools but now when i execute the SP_BACKPACK file, theres a new window that says "Application load error 5:0000065434" I honestly think im doing this wrong. Like i said i am very very new to this, This would be my first time dealing with Gibbed type files. Am i supposed to drag one of the modded files onto one of the Gibbed files or? I have dragged the misc.vpp file onto unpack and a misc folder appeared but i dont think that has anything to do with this mod.

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Posted: January 5, 2016, 20:05 Post #6
The gibbed tools are the standard RFG packfile editing tools. They're used by the mod's installer but you shouldn't need to actually do anything with them yourself (in this instance)

Barring some kind of .net framework issue, maybe someone who has RFG installed can apply the mod and send you the resulting files

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Posted: January 6, 2016, 17:26 Post #7
Quoting Mitzi
The gibbed tools are the standard RFG packfile editing tools. They're used by the mod's installer but you shouldn't need to actually do anything with them yourself (in this instance)

Barring some kind of .net framework issue, maybe someone who has RFG installed can apply the mod and send you the resulting files

I checked my .net framework and its says its up to date and not damaged or anything. Other that, idk what to look for in terms of .net Framework. As for someone else installing the mod for me, I mean if anyone can do that for me it will be greatly appreciated, I would have preferred to figure it out myself but hey that works too lol. I wish this guy who made this mod could've at least made a video regarding how to install. He has videos but just of what the mod does. Lol with my luck i bet its something so simple im not doing right lol. That or its just not meant to be. I would use the mod manager version but the only backpack that works for that is the Rhino. The main backpack i wanna use, the stealth, only makes you half invisible for some reason.
Edited by xeper8x8 at January 6, 2016, 17:41

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Posted: January 9, 2016, 22:35 Post #8
what happens if you go into the gibbed tools folder and just doubleclick on Gibbed.Volition.Unpack.exe?

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Posted: January 10, 2016, 19:12 Post #9
Quoting Mitzi
what happens if you go into the gibbed tools folder and just doubleclick on Gibbed.Volition.Unpack.exe?

Command line pops up for a milisecond. No new folders or anything.

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Posted: January 11, 2016, 4:31 Post #10
Ok so that means his tools are working, it's just what the mod's script is telling the tools to do is making them crash

Let me think about this for a little bit. If I had a good copy of RFG I would just patch it for you but unfortunately i dont

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