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FactionFiles :: Forum :: Tutorials :: Guidelines
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Posted: December 7, 2009, 4:03 Post #1
Faction Files Tutorial Posting Guidelines

Name your thread like this: [GAME] [TYPE] Tutorial Name [SKILL LEVEL]
For example: [RF1] [V] Basic Push Regions [N]

RF1 - Tutorial applies only to Red Faction
RF2 - Tutorial applies only to Red Faction II
RFG - Tutorial applies only to Red Faction: Guerrilla
ALL - Tutorial is not specific to any game; can be used for tutorials that cover all three games or any two

V - Video; tutorial includes a video; may also include text and/or downloads
T - Text; tutorial includes only text/images and optionally downloads

Skill Levels:
N - Novice; something people familiar with the editor/game should just skip over
B - Beginner; useful for people who are familiar with the very basics of the game/editor but are not confident enough in their skills to move up to Intermediate
I - Intermediate; useful for most people; something people who are exceptionally skilled with a game/editor should skip over
E - Expert; something intended only for people with exceptional knowledge of the game/editor; anyone who is not exceptionally skilled will likely not be able to keep up and should instead watch intermediate tutorials

Notice: Faction Files administrators reserve the right to edit posts so that they comply with these guidelines.
Edited by Mitzi at March 22, 2010, 15:38

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Posted: March 21, 2010, 17:30 Post #2
Updated guidelines

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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