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Posted: December 4, 2014, 12:22 Post #1
there's a mod that adds the wc maps to mp on this site, is it possible to do the same with the mp maps and add them to wc?

i've had a go, but they come up as unknown in the list of wc maps and then the game crashes when you try and load one.

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Posted: December 5, 2014, 8:58 Post #2
nobody? guess modding is dead here.

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Posted: December 5, 2014, 9:05 Post #3
Yeah sorta, Sorry man :/

Theres just no customs maps and its 3rd person,

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Posted: December 5, 2014, 16:33 Post #4
what don't you guys delete the forum then...if you don't care about the game.

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Posted: December 6, 2014, 3:18 Post #5
RF:G files are regularly downloaded from our files section - It's not that we don't care about the game, it's that the game really just doesn't have many active players when compared to RF1.

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Posted: December 6, 2014, 8:37 Post #6
well it's very much alive on steam now, hundreds have posted feedback and bug reports, it's has more than 10 patches in the last few weeks.

all the dlc3 wc maps are unlocked
the dlc3 walker mode is available
mp has had loads of changes
many bugs in sp have been corrected
the windows 7 speedup bug was fixed
Edited by klorbon at December 6, 2014, 8:37

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Posted: December 6, 2014, 16:15 Post #7
Quoting Haze202
-Release map maker

Without getting into a completely useless argument over whether RF:G is "dead" or not (just like the equally useless arguments we've seen regarding RF1 since sometime in 2002), I'll just say that releasing a level editor for RF:G would not be as simple a task as it may seem to be for Nordic.

The RF:G level editor relies pretty heavily on 3Ds Max to create anything playable in-game. Even if we did get a level editor for it, it'd almost certainly be a "place prefabs then import a terrain heightmap" editor, as opposed to being what we would consider a full fledged level editor. I'm also not sure what kind of licensing agreements apply to their 3Ds Max plugins, so it may or may not be legally feasible for them to even be released.

Quoting Haze202
-First person mode, bind a key to toggle between first and third person

This again is not as easy as it might seem. The biggest obstacle for implementing "real" first person in RF:G would be the lack of first person weapon models - and they wouldn't half-ass it by having the first person option without first person models, that'd cause way more complaining than just leaving it as it.

Quoting Haze202
-Dedicated servers/server list

-Text chat ingame

These would be cool, but it's probably way too late for them to matter much.

Quoting Haze202
-More server options

The game already has way too many host (server) configurable options, if anything there should be less. If there were even 5 players in the game right now, they'd probably have a hard time agreeing on settings to play under.

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Posted: December 8, 2014, 9:04 Post #8
can we get back on topic?

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