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FactionFiles :: Forum :: RF Mapping/Modding :: BOTS
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Posted: May 22, 2014, 19:10 Post #1
i have no idea if this has been asked and i am sorry if it did so if not then please keep on reading.

digi i see and noticed that your server (is it your server ^^,honestly i just started PF/RF so excuse me)
that your server 'PARTY TIME' runs with several bots.
now i have to mention that i am a huge fan of bots bots are what make online servers/offline multiplayer alive.
its something that makes u keep coming back.

now my qeustion is 'would u mind putting your bot MOD online for public?'
or atleast pass it onto me?
i am sorta say a man that cant play games without bots.
have played original console version with bots and loved it.

that was years years ago i still love the game untill this very day,
never really got into it however and then i mean multiplayer.
but now i am planning to play the SHIT out of this game ;)
so yeah my qeustion stands...

i am awaiting your very anwser digi.
i however want to thank u in advance.

(if theres any bad grammar plz ignore im dutch after all ^^)

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Posted: May 22, 2014, 19:54 Post #2
It should be , how else could they add these freakin non-talkitive and non-stop playing dudes known as bots in Party Time server? And Heat has been already fucking with peoples's minds telling that there aren't any bots in there. Could you believe such a nuisance... Although i do agree that bots are only available only on PS2 version except the PC one. But ever since PF came out , the bots actually came out as well (for instance: Aim Circle Server had a bot too)
Though i already sent a message to digi already about it , but lets hope that all people can enjoy themselfs with bots in their actual servers. And if not , we'll do the rest. Cuz bots are no match with real players.. but still usefull for training. :lolpup:

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Posted: May 22, 2014, 20:03 Post #3
i dont really need bots for training i just enjoy myself having a simple casual game running around pointlessly shooting nooby moving bots.

i just like the derpy aspect bots always show.
cus lets face it even bots being made untill this very day from a game like lets say killzone.
are awfully stupid.
stupid but fun.
plz plz put it public so loads of people including myself can have some fun.
aswell as that every server has a few so that there is some actual activity going on in mulitplayer.

sure there still is alot of people playing the game but i am pretty sure that even more would just play the game if there was a bot mode they could choose to simply play on their own, with friends or perhaps just in an online server.

i think it would make alot of people happy
cus i looked around the internet 2 years ago and only found posts with.
'why is there no bot mode?'
'is there bots for pc'
'is there a way to play with bots on pc?'

then i could find myself one result.
an unreal tournament mod.
but lets face it a modification for a different game just doesnt make it feel or gives it that nastolgic feeling that u get when playing a game such as RF1.

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Posted: May 22, 2014, 20:46 Post #4
I believe the system how this bots are running is more complicated then just a mod. Theys appear as real players, they have a IP and Ping so i expect that they are running as client. With some kind of a script/macro/program that "plays" the bot. However this works, it's fantastic and i really welcome bots to RF. Anyway i wish they could be namend as [Bot] or something. New players might get confused when they play with them. ;-)

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Posted: May 22, 2014, 21:00 Post #5
i got really confused yesterday when i noticed i wa splaying with bots.
cus for as far as i knew there were no bots in excistence for the pc version.

and even tho they might run as client or whatever...
there sure must be a way to make this mod/client or whatever it is public?
not only so we can play them in our own servers but also when we are just playing offline.

now dont get me wrong it would be fantastic if i could put up my own server put a pass on it and play either on my own or with a friend.

all i say is that bots in whatever way should be public in my opinion.
it would be great if this option would be available for all.

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 4:18 Post #6
How do you know they are bots?

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 5:02 Post #7
Quoting Cyrus
I believe the system how this bots are running is more complicated then just a mod. Theys appear as real players, they have a IP and Ping so i expect that they are running as client. With some kind of a script/macro/program that "plays" the bot. However this works, it's fantastic and i really welcome bots to RF. Anyway i wish they could be namend as [Bot] or something. New players might get confused when they play with them. ;-)

^ This is close enough.

The bots aren't in a format that can easily be released to the RF public at large. There are also some other issues with releasing a bot that would need to be thought about.

I know they're neat but seriously don't hold your breath.

They're not something I want to become a standard thing anyway. Eventually I'll get around to writing a quota thing so they leave the server when more real people join

Also if heat is trolling people that they're real players, that's hilarious

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 6:10 Post #8
...hillarious and extremly annoying... -__-

In other words.. can't you please or anyone else who's good at programming, just create a so called standard program that players can add bots in their servers ? like it was in PartyServer and AimCicle but with a little changes and settings for friendly-use (like RED editor) so thats would be the last thing PF and players would need. I dont hate bots but of course they are dumbasses lol and it wouldnt be a problem to have some fun in multi while u can't find real players when ur bored. :( A yes or no would be the final answear.
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at May 23, 2014, 6:35

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 6:53 Post #9

#1 I didn't even write the bots, they were written years ago by TrotSkie. I've done a few tweaks but that's it; it's not like I've put weeks of effort into getting them working. The bot algorithm is really simple and there's not much that can be tweaked without completely changing how it works. What you're asking for is an enormous amount of work, and that effort can be placed better elsewhere. I didn't even have any intentions of running bots again, they're only up now as a direct response to having 7 browsers in shitty modded servers. They're not staying there forever

You also have to remember that a lot of RF players are like children. It's nice to give children crayons, but when you're gone they will eat the crayons and draw on the walls. The ramifications of releasing a bot are potentially huge and I think it's honestly a waste of time to think about it for more than 5 minutes.

I respect all of you guys' opinions, but the answer for now is going to have to be "no". It's "no" for more reasons than I could ever hope to write here. Things may change in the future, but for now just enjoy them while they're here. I appreciate the feedback.

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 15:52 Post #10
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Posted: May 23, 2014, 17:13 Post #11
Came for a BOTS thread. Content does not match expectation.

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Posted: May 23, 2014, 18:36 Post #12
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Posted: May 23, 2014, 19:06 Post #13
i am very dissapointed to hear that digi. :(
however i hope somewhere in the near future u or some1 else u know is able to give us this bot mode.

well geuss it was worth a try, now i atleast know why there still hasnt been a release for bots on pc :/

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