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Posted: February 18, 2014, 8:31 Post #1
Alright now im not trying to argue about his works but seriosly FF has been lately spammed (again) with not-so-working stuff made by Scoob 1 by 1 at a row.
i honestly downloaded some of his works , but almost none of them were working ingame so i had to look out on the editor what was wrong with them. :x And how can we say about its size less than a 1 mb or half of it ?

If he really wants to make better stuff he should learn some more by looking out other maps's functionality in editor if he likes to keep the community alive. Nonetheless Goober's tutorial vids or redtechnologies website can be really helpfull.
He even asked me if i keep making maps such as i did asked him as well the same thing. Saying that he will stop making maps anymore when we were ingame one time but i dont think he actually kept his word. Im also afraid of FF's autodownload/upload space , it doesnt have a limit of uploading , right ? Cuz it should be unlimited. :8

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Posted: February 18, 2014, 15:53 Post #2
I don't have time to test every map he uploads. If there are maps that don't work or are unplayable then I'll delete them, but anything else will stay. His mapping is slowly improving and his stuff doesn't take up a lot of space, so why not let him have his fun? Maybe he plays with his friends besides us, I have no idea.

I do wish he would upload screenshots though :P

Currently the entire collection of maps for the autodownloader isn't even using 1/4th of the space available. If we ever run low on space I'll arrange some more, but I don't think it will be a problem. :P

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Posted: February 18, 2014, 18:12 Post #3
Quoting Mitzi
I don't have time to test every map he uploads. If there are maps that don't work or are unplayable then I'll delete them, but anything else will stay. His mapping is slowly improving and his stuff doesn't take up a lot of space, so why not let him have his fun? Maybe he plays with his friends besides us, I have no idea.

I do wish he would upload screenshots though :P

Currently the entire collection of maps for the autodownloader isn't even using 1/4th of the space available. If we ever run low on space I'll arrange some more, but I don't think it will be a problem. :P

Amen to screenshots! And i see...never thought of that... oh well i just though it would waste up the autodownloader space , but alright if ya say so :-/

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Posted: February 20, 2014, 20:43 Post #4
It should be unlimited and scoobs maps are cool especially pill's place seels maps arent playable either
Edited by N/A at February 20, 2014, 20:46

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Posted: February 21, 2014, 7:32 Post #5
Quoting bestplayerphlllllll
It should be unlimited and scoobs maps are cool especially pill's place seels maps arent playable either

Not if u were trying at least for real the maps from ingame to editor.
I kinda missed ya pal. :P Want a death squeeze hug ? :lolpup:
Edited by SeeLkaDooM94 at February 21, 2014, 7:41

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Posted: February 28, 2014, 17:10 Post #6
You are bad at map

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Posted: January 31, 2015, 7:19 Post #7
At the rate he's uploading maps you should make a new rf1 files section "scooby's horrible maps" and not have his maps show up on the latest files list
Edited by N/A at January 31, 2015, 7:20

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