Black joins the game
Clock: 10 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move
White resigned
Rematch offer sent
shit noobi
dude ...
you just lost
in like
5 moves
you are shit
that's right ... I lost, but I'm offering a rematch
played over 800 games
and you lose
in 5 moves
that's just sad

what's sad is you talking trash on the internet
are you gonna play or not
no, why should I?
you are a sore loser
I'm not a sore loser, I am reacting to your insults
chess is just a game. It's not worth getting worked up over
but you didn't finish the game
I guess with a queen out the way, you are useless
you didn't have my queen, you had my knight
i had your queen
in 3 moves
if you look carefully
i thought that's why you resigned lolo
wow you're worse than i thought
hehe no you didn't
but I'll let you disillusion yourself
have fun
if you could see ahead
you'd not lose your knight + queen
so fast
you know dude, why don't we play again
and then you can show me the chess master you really are
and if you want to be tough
create an account here
and play like a real man
don't hide and be spiteful, that doesn't speak a lot about your character
real man would continue game
hahahaha no real men know when to give up
so you admit your lost queen, gg