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Posted: October 12, 2010, 15:51 Post #1
I'm looking to buy a new mouse. My price range is no higher than $70 (INCLUDING shipping).
Right now I am stuck between these two:



I do not really care what brands are suggested, but I must be able to buy directly from the online store (no ebay, amazon, etc.-please).

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Posted: October 13, 2010, 0:14 Post #2
The new (3.5g) DeathAdder is garbage and the Abyssus is really bitchy with tracking on a lot of surfaces. If you can find the old 1800dpi DeathAdder it might be worth purchasing; the new 3k dpi one certainly isn't.

There are mice with similar shapes to both the DeathAdder and the Abyssus which are actually reliable. You could easily find both a WMO and an Intellimouse 3.0 for $70 (combined).



If you can't order from NewEgg for whatever reason, I can confirm that Staples usually has the WMO and BestBuy is likely to carry the Intellimouse 3.0 and/or the newer "Legends Edition" variant (which is the same mouse, but has a grippy white surface).

I'd just order both and see which one you prefer shape wise. The one more similar to your current mouses shape will probably yield similar aiming results, but the more comfortable one should win out after a period of re-adjustment.

If you do buy both, I'd refrain from instantly dismissing one and returning it to save money. More likely than not, down the road, you'll want to experiment a bit. And as your finger dexterity increases mice start to feel a bit different than they used to, so be prepared for that.

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Posted: October 13, 2010, 16:41 Post #3
I already have a WMO (microsoft).

What about the razer Lachesis?
Edited by Mario at October 13, 2010, 16:46

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Posted: October 13, 2010, 19:36 Post #4
The Lachesis is horrible (sensor and performance wise).
Edited by nick at October 13, 2010, 21:29

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Posted: October 13, 2010, 23:09 Post #5

Edited by lucky at October 13, 2010, 23:15

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Posted: June 1, 2012, 16:08 Post #6
Edited by jer at June 19, 2012, 14:34

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Posted: June 1, 2012, 18:59 Post #7
Xornet is okay with some pads (gray, white, anything bright). It's rather buggy with dark pads. I play Tribes atm and I use the Xornet for some classes (sniping mostly, cus of the button switches). From what I've heard, the Spawn is now the Xornet's better due to a firmware patch that fixed the sensor problems.

If you like the Kinzu, the less buggy Kinzu Pro/v2 thing might be worth it.

I was never able to fully adapt to the Xornet's weird layout for anything except hitscan. It's a shame that other mice don't use the higher quality micro switches, they make an absolutely huge difference.

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Posted: June 1, 2012, 23:30 Post #8

Yes I like the kinzu because that fit my hand perfectly.

Kinzu V2/PRO look nice because accel is now disabled and omron micro switches added but I read on forum that pixart sensor is not really good so I'm not sure if I'm gonna upgrade to V2/PRO.

Maybe the best deal is a KINZUADDER xD.

In an other side I want to test if i can improve my aim tracking with a mice without pos accel and such prediction.
Maybe I'm gonna improve myself maybe not.

Remember when we talked on irc, I was locked at 25-29% accu on circle and can't reach more, maybe because of this accel on kinzu i don't know ^^

BTW choice is difficult, IME 3.0 WMO 1.1a abyssus/DA have many good return and popular.

At the end I fear to loose the good feeling i have with the "kinzu shape" because I use it for years now.

PS: glad to heard the micro switches makes a huge difference because i didn't tested yet and the V2/PRO have it. :P

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Posted: June 2, 2012, 13:35 Post #9
Getting above 29% accuracy was difficult for me. I remember trying aim circle early on and I had roughly 19 accuracy, it quickly went up to 25, and then it stuck around 29 for quite a bit. It might not be the mouse entirely, but better mice certainly help. Also I'm pretty convinced that bigger arms help for steadier and better aim.

I'm using the razer abyssus, but it can be almighty buggy. It's like a woman. When it's good, it's very good, but when it's bad, you feel like fucking it against the wall.

I wouldn't worry too much about changing. Skill is a bit like working out. If you lift the same weight repeatedly, if it's not ripping the muscle, your muscle won't really get bigger. Well, if you're not playing people slightly better than you, you won't get much better at a game. You have to rip the muscle (lose), get sore about it for a day, and then improve.

Essentially what I am saying is, if you get a new mouse and play a lot of good players, you'll improve quite a fair bit faster than the years spent in rf stuck with the one mouse. Yes the new mouse might cause you losses to begin with, but it'll be worth it in the end.

The problem is, you have to escape rf to be able to improve at rf. The players do not have the sportsmanship to make improving easy. If you lose, even if you ignore their shit talk, it will be partially on your mind. You'd be better to play another game for a month and then go back to it.

nick may not agree with this, but I think that helped for both of us. He went to cs / quake / poker, and come back with the knowledge to be able to improve at rf. I took a different path (quite a few years ago now) but it certainly helped. You also really need to find someone in rf who you can play.

nick and I were pretty much advantaged over everyone because for the most part of knowing him ten years, we've got along. We've pretty much always trusted each other not to shit talk the results of a 1v1. Every time we got a new mouse, we could always rely on each other to test our aim. In my opinion, gaming buddies are essential to improving. Unfortunately, rf players spent too much time telling me how I have too much time and how I do not have any friends, such that they didn't make their own.
Edited by N/A at June 2, 2012, 13:53

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Posted: June 2, 2012, 17:00 Post #10
Hi Phil,

You probably right on some points, and ofc mice can help but do not the skill.
Playing good players is the better way to improve that's why I liked playing u & nicky and watching some of your videos.

I always make some break in rf and playing other game ( cs/ some MMO/gta)
I'm back on rf since few days.
Some years ago I had a partner ( my best friend irl ) and like you and nick we develloped a good teamplay ( only in tdm ^^ )
Now CTF is popular I would like find someone as partner but it's hard.

Well I think I stay with my kinzu because I'm fine with but if I found the V2/PRO at cheap price probably I'm gonna test it to see.

Anyway I don't gonna spend money in material only for RF because it's not so active as before.

PS: Glad to see you back ;>

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