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Posted: March 11, 2010, 18:25 Post #1
As posted on our News page:

Some Red Faction 4 details have surfaced.

According to a German gaming website, the game will have fully destructible environments (a la Red Faction 1), and 80% of the game will take place underground.

Supposedly this information comes courtesy of THQ's Danny Bilson at the GDC.

Faction Files will remain on top of this story and bring you the latest RF4 news!

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Posted: March 11, 2010, 18:32 Post #2
Here is a rough translation of the news. It's better than what Google Translate can manage:

Although Red Faction: Guerrilla got mostly favourable press reviews, the game was not a big financial success. However, THQ isn't giving up yet, as they already announced a sequel last year. During the GDC (Games Developer's Conference), THQ's Danny Bilson revealed some details.

As fans of Guerrilla know, you can destroy all objects placed in the game world. Red Faction 4 will stay true to Guerrilla's level of destruction and offer a fully destructible environment. THQ says that this time, however, the game will revolve more around a narrative gameplay story to make the game more involving.

According to Bilson, Red Faction 4 will be a sort of mixture of Red Faction 1 and 2. About 80% of the game will take place underground. A possible release date was mentioned: March 2011. The game will apparently be released for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3.

It currently remains unknown whether these are just loose rumours or fact. However, considering the information is supposedly coming straight from THQ, it stands a good chance of being true.

So what are your thoughts? Excited? What do you think RF4 will be like?

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Posted: March 11, 2010, 18:51 Post #3
It's about time.

This is great news!

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Posted: March 11, 2010, 19:00 Post #4
When they say it will be a mixture of RF1 and RF2, I'm not quite sure what to make of that. Do they mean in storyline or in engine?

For those who haven't played RF1 or 2, the games had destruction where you could blow up the world, not just objects in it. However, the storylines of RF1 and 2 had practically nothing in common, so I'm assuming they mean a mixture in the destruction and engine, not story.

EDIT: Google translation of gameplay.com.ua
"Yes, and it seems that at this time will have to fight not on Mars." Hmm? Not on Mars? I don't know any Russian, so I can't read the original text to check. We shall see if other sites report this as well.

A Czech site reports RF4 will remain third-person.

Google translation of Dutch site
A direct quote from THQ:
Quoting Danny Bilson
The new game takes [Red Faction] to a whole new place, it kind of goes back to the old Red Faction because about 80% of it is underground.

Quoting Joystiq
In an interview with Joystiq during the 2010 Game Developer's Conference, THQ's executive VP of Core Games Danny Bilson let a few new details slip about the upcoming sequel to the critical-smash hit Red Faction: Guerrilla. "The new game takes [Red Faction] to a whole new place, it kind of goes back to the old Red Faction because about 80% of it is underground," Bilson said. According to Bilson, the as-yet-properly-named sequel -- which he describes as a "hybrid" between the first two titles in the Red Faction franchise and Guerrilla -- is planned for release in March 2011. (In February, THQ's annual investors conference call vaguely stated a Guerrilla sequel was planned for the company's "fiscal 2011" window.)

Bilson was tight-lipped on other details but did confirm the upcoming open-world third-person shooter would be far more "structured," akin to a "narrative" shooter. The sequel will still feature the destructibility Bilson says cost THQ "a fortune" to develop for Guerrilla, but will have a much greater impact on cities built closer together in the tight confines of the new underground world.

Although Guerrilla captivated most critics (netting a Metacritic average of 85 across three platforms) the third-person shooter failed to meet THQ's sales expectations. While Bilson said it would have been easy to scrap the characters and setting in the upcoming sequel and shift it into a new intellectual property -- effectively severing its connection to Guerrilla's poor retail showing -- he felt the quality in the previous entry was too great to abandon the Red Faction universe.

The strategy now, says Bilson, is to expose gamers to the series in order to prepare them for the future, citing the recent Red Faction: Guerrilla giveaway promotion as an example of giving the title the exposure it "deserved" at launch. "Giving away the stock now, on Red Faction, is getting more people exposed to the IP because we're going bigger on Red Faction next time," Bilson told us. "If the game wasn't so good, we wouldn't be giving it away at all."
Edited by Mitzi at March 11, 2010, 19:31

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Posted: March 12, 2010, 12:34 Post #5
Lets hope it will.

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Posted: March 15, 2010, 17:19 Post #6
Yay, a new RF game! Let me know if anyone finds out any more about it.

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Posted: August 1, 2010, 9:09 Post #7
i just watched the trailer... looks very promising indeed.


maby this is what i have been waiting for all these years after RF1.
Hope they include a map-editor!!
Edited by divtag at August 1, 2010, 9:13

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