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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction: Guerrilla - Software - Tools :: RFGM.Archiver by rast1234
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Author: rast1234 [Search Author]
Uploader: rast1234 [View Profile]
File Size: 4.7MB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/30/2025
Downloads: 11
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Archiver tool for RFG Re-MARS-tered
initial reverse engineering of game formats by moneyl

Supports formats:

* VPP - read and write
* PEG - read and write, textures are converted to/from PNG with some color loss
* STR2 - can read. write will work but won't rebuild asm_pc files so use with extreme caution, eg only replace files of same size
* rfglocatext - convert to/from editable xml

Requires dotnet 8 runtime: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-8.0.12-windows-x64-installer

USAGE: drag and drop files/folders to pack/unpack. Preserve file names and make sure they have valid order, eg update numbers when you add new files. Use command line to see advanced options.

Recommended workflow:

* Unpack vpp and, nested str2 and cpeg
* Make edits
* Pack only edited str2 and cpeg
* Create a folder mod for SyncFaction: RFG/data/.syncfaction/test_mod/data/your.vpp_pc/
* Place packed entries there so that they will be picked up by SF, instead of repackaging whole vpp by hand every time

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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
RFGM.Archiver (newest)01/30/202511[Download]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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