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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Thunderstruck (Beta2) by kerpal
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Author: kerpal [Search Author]
Uploader: kerpal [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmthunderb2.rfl
File Size: 46.1MB
File Type: rar
Added: 05/21/2024
Downloads: 38 (28 In-Game AutoDL)
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Beta 2 of Thunderstruck. Now with more spawns, portals, and some fixed textures.
This map ran pretty damn smooth for me, almost no frame drops.
space9h0st · Thu 30 May 2024, 4:32 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
This has arena mod written all over it
nick · Wed 29 May 2024, 23:13 ·
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Very cool port of Thunderstruck. I can point out some places where the scale isn't identical, but the differences aren't very drastic or meaningful. It's Thunderstruck.

There is kind of a glaring issue with this map, however, in that there isn't really a mode well suited for it in the context of RF IMO. I can see that you transplanted the item layout from QL, but it's worth noting that people only really play Thunderstruck in CA or LG duels which have no items. You *could* play it in Duel or TDM in Q3/QL, but it would be pretty miserable in that context.

Similarly, this layout is both too large and too open to actually work for RF 1v1s: there's no way to travel around the map fast enough to cycle the items properly, and there's no way for the out of control player to hide or stack up for long enough to realistically challenge. Games will probably be very "snowbally" on this.

For TDM or FFA, these problems are further exacerbated. It could work at GN where everyone spawns with armor and gets kill rewards, and it would probably work in ArenaMod (the closest thing in RF to CA).
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