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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Jupiter 3 Station: Locked In Edition V1.1 by {DVL} I.A.C
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Author: {DVL} I.A.C [Search Author]
Uploader: dvl_iac [View Profile]
RFL Name: dm_Jupiter3StationLI1-1.rfl
File Size: 65.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 04/26/2024
Downloads: 70 (62 In-Game AutoDL)
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This is a map of a space hotel orbiting Jupiter, next to an asteroid.

The original map has a massive amount of play area which will probably make for slow games unless you have a lot of players. This version locks the players into the space station taking away all the outside play area, which should make for much faster paced games.
If you want the full Jupiter 3 experience or just want to explore, get the full version here: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=7835

Changes for Version 1.1:
- Huge performance improvements. The map should run about 40-60fps faster than the last version.
- New intro music. Also decided, since this version is more for quick games then long plays and explore sessions, that I'd cut the jukebox music down to 1 track for each option, to shrink the file size.
- Added Jupiter's 4 Galilean moons to the skybox. (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto)
- Brought over the virtual art tour from full version 1.1. You can go up to any of my real life images in the map, hit your use key and a little image will pop up for 5 sec, with info about where the photo was taken and some other details.
- Brought over the Battle Royale button from full version 1.1 and added a prize for the winner. It is located in the control room below the RED screen. Use the button to activate the 5 second count down, that then teleports everyone in the map to the main area of the map. Players are locked in the arena for 20 seconds. Eliminate everyone to win the Battle Royale. After 15 sec you can claim your prize that will appear above the yellow teleporter room. The Battle Royale can only be activated once every 2 min.
- Brought over the nicer looking escape pod tunnels from the full version 1.1.
- Added some more tech to the control room.
- Re did the lighting in the control room.
- Better looking engine emitters.
- Improved particle effects and added movement to the still water of the garden fountain, to make it feel more real.
- Brought over the new microwaves from the full version 1.1, which open and close, to replace the ugly default RF ones.
- Added particle effects to all sinks, the ice makers on the fridges, and the water fountain, which align with the sound they previously just made.
- Upped the ambient light level of the map from 40 to 80 to make it overall a little brighter.
- If you break the water pump in the garden you can no longer turn it on.
- Many other small tweaks.

Check out the commercial video for the full version of the map here: https://youtu.be/5JimzJThul4
Check out the Features & Secrets video for the full version of the map here: https://youtu.be/vdzVHG4D5f8

- This map requires Dash Faction to run (https://dashfaction.com/)
- This map is a bit of a beast. It's just under 4x RF's recommended geometry limits as well as uses 1000+ default clutter objects, so may not run very smooth on older computers. On an AMD Threadripper 3960x I get lows around 120FPS. However that is pretty much only when standing within a couple feet of a window, everywhere else is pretty much locked at 240fps. For some reason when you are near a window, RF decides to render everything outside the window, whether you are looking out the window or not.
- GPU makes very little difference for RF performance and your performance will pretty much be determined by the Single Core performance of your CPU. Therefore a computer with an old CPU but modern GPU will likely perform worse than then a computer with a modern CPU and no GPU. The more players in the server the lower the FPS will be.

Pro Tip: If you need a fps boost open the console (~) and type vli and hit enter. This disables the light flare sprites around all the lights and gives a 10-20fps boost.

Some credits:
-The drop ship below the station and on the asteroid, the small ship that fly’s by, the sinks, and some doors are from the volition default RF Group pack, although I did change things on all of them.

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