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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: Relic Seeker by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctfrelicseeker.rfl
RFL Date: 12/02/2023
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 10MB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/02/2023
Downloads: 91 (75 In-Game AutoDL)
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Relic Seeker is a small CTF that evolved from a simple idea I had, loosely drawing inspiration from the Unreal Tournament map "Beware the Ides of March", which was created by author FraGnBraG and released in 2008. It's a small and basic layout featuring an open middle section and fully protected tunnel route below. Fast action, quick caps.

Since its initial release, Relic Seeker has evolved into a well-liked 2v2 map within the Red Faction competitive community, and today I'm releasing the "final" version of it.

Hope you enjoy!

For anyone who played the last version of this map (B3), here's a changelog between that version and the final version:
- Removed unneeded geometry outside level bounds (optimization)
- Added invisible geometry to top of center of map
ED BUNGHOLE · Wed 6 Dec 2023, 9:46 (edited Wed 6 Dec 2023, 9:52) ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
Yeah, it is a well-liked map 2v2 (and 3v3 4v4 map among those in the competitive community when they aren't bouncing off of each other within the narrow tunnels or bumping each other off of the bridges while walking in a straight line)...but you basically ignored all feedback from me and other competitive players and re-released B3 as a final LOL. It is a nice option - don't get me wrong...but it would be better if you actually IMPROVED it imo, instead of just re-releasing it as some sort of "final" :8
ED BUNGHOLE · Fri 16 Dec 2022, 11:21 ·
and like this
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Relic Seeker (Beta 3)
Even though this isn't MY type of 2v2/3v3 CTF map, I think it is a needed addition for the RF match players simply due to 1) the fast pace of combat and 2) that some active players want an alternative to WL for some STRANGE reason :lolpup:. After playing this version 10 times or more, I think the bridges are too narrow, the tunnels are too narrow, the barriers by PR and AR are way too big given the size of map, water hazards suck in CTF, and there is an overall cramped feeling. But, the lighting/textures/colors are really great, overall map design in general for 2v2/3v3 is better than most other maps. Thank you Goober for a new fast paced 2v2 map - it was needed !B)
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
Relic Seeker (newest)12/02/202391[Download] [Install]
Relic Seeker (Beta 3)10/29/202292[Download] [Install]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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