Author: Nathan Camarillo & Romek
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Uploader: DeathRattle
[View Profile] RFL Name: ctf-sandlordsb1.rfl
RFL Date: 09/10/2023
File Size: 5.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/10/2023
Downloads: 34 (19 In-Game AutoDL)
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Rebuilt most of the map geometry and changed textures to help red and blue players stand out clearly.
Some changes to original WL include:
- Some minor visual changes.
- Tunnel's were rebuilt and length and layout slightly changed to be easier to get around.
- Fixed GEO near bridge, now will not clip floor.
- Fixed WL base GEO, floor cannot create holes, it can creater very shallow but nothing obstructive.
- Rebuilt surrounding landscape geometry and lowered it.
- Tunnel entrances and exist are rounded to allow easier access.
- Changed lighting to accommodate new textures.
This map is still in beta.
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