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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Patches/Demos :: Merc Spawning Patch for Crash Site by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 1.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 07/03/2023
Downloads: 226
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This is a very, very small patch to fix what was almost definitely a mistake on Volition's part in the Crash Site chapter of the game's stock single player campaign.

In the stock game, the hallway past the turrets in the third level of Crash Site is completely devoid of enemies. Despite the fact that enemies are in this hallway in the level file, a logic error earlier in the level causes them to never spawn. Technically, them spawning is supposed to be dependent on the player killing the 3 mercs in the previous area - but 2 of those mercs never spawn, meaning you can never kill them, and this hallway is always empty as a result.

This patch fixes that issue and ensures the correct enemies spawn when they should in the third level of Crash Site. Nothing else is changed.

To install this patch:
1. Extract the "_mpL18mercfix01.vpp" file contained within this archive to your "...\user_maps\single" directory. (Normally this will be C:\Steam\steamapps\common\red faction\user_maps\single for Steam users, and C:\games\RedFaction\user_maps\single for non-Steam users)
2. Launch the game

If you run into trouble or have questions, drop by the FactionFiles Discord and we'll give you a hand.

CAUTION: This patch won't work properly if you load a savegame file created after loading into the third level of Crash Site (L18S3). Starting the campaign from the beginning, or loading a savegame file created before this level though will work fine.
Mikelice · Sun 11 Aug 2024, 11:43 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Oh this Volition :-/... They forgot to unhide those mercs.
BoubouV12 · Sat 16 Sep 2023, 6:17 ·
likes this
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