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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: Ankh (beta 4) by Romek
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Author: Romek [Search Author]
Uploader: DeathRattle [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctf-ankhb4.rflCopy RFL Name
RFL Date: 06/10/2023
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 12.1MB
File Type: zip
Added: 06/10/2023
Downloads: 48 (37 In-Game AutoDL)
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Egyptian themed CTF map. Small, fast pace layout.

- Ankh is heavily inspired by TF2's Lakeside for Capture the Point and uses the central "chunk" as the starting point for a CTF map.
- The entire map was built in RED. (Palm trees are imported).
- Bases overhauled to work for RF.
- Layout overhauled to work for RF.
- Added new flank route giving the map 3 routes.
- The map was made as a mirror symmetric CTF layout.
- Textures from TF2's Lakeside, Egypt and general textures.

Beta 4 Changelog:

- Added new ladder on rocky side from level 1 to level 2 near columns.
- Changed Pool, allowing player to run through it at normal spead only with slight delay entering and exiting water.
- Removed SMG and switched smg ammo to assault ammo on level 2 rocky side near shrine.
- Moved shotgun placement back towards back wall of base and added SMG where shotgun was.
- Switched Assault ammo to SMG ammo in that same area.
- Removed bottom plate on horus statue and moved it back slightly more.
- Added new aesthetics to help visually break up some sections.

Special Thanks to Ed, Goober, Space9h0st, Icesolate, Jinx, Sid, Alec & Mike for testing, feedback and suggestions.
ED BUNGHOLE · Wed 14 Jun 2023, 8:14 ·
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⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Ankh (beta 4)
I really love this map in terms of aesthetics and gameplay. Romek takes the best part of TF2 Lakeside (which is the middle of map imo), and then IMPROVES upon it. Then, Romek discards the worst part of Lakeside, and replaces it with his own unique routes and bases that cater to fast paced RF match gameplay which always = fun :lolpup: I think this map is a great example of a 2v2-4v4 CTF MATCH map that will also be fun at any player count. Since map is still in Beta, I would be curious to hear what other Match Players and/or Map Makers think of weapon/ammo placement.
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
Ankh (beta 9) (newest)12/13/202369[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 8)12/04/202326[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 7)11/23/202329[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 6)10/28/202330[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 5)08/11/202343[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 4) (you are here)06/10/202348[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 3)06/09/202319[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 2)06/09/202313[Download] [Install]
Ankh (beta 1)06/05/202322[Download] [Install]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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