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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Entropy (Beta 8) by kerpal
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Author: kerpal [Search Author]
Uploader: kerpal [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmentropyb8.rfl
RFL Date: 04/11/2023
File Size: 14.6MB
File Type: rar
Added: 04/11/2023
Downloads: 370 (340 In-Game AutoDL)
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Beta 8 release for Entropy.
Very subtle changes:

-simplified teleporter setup
-correct floor textures with mtl sounds
-added extra lighting detail
-moved some items around
-added a little extra armor

Some background:

I originally started this map around spring last year, but had to shelve it for a while due to RFU7. (which I eventually dropped out of ;^;)
Coming back to this map, it was entirely a speed build. Everything really fell into place.
Building this served as kind of an escape from the disorder of reality, hence the name Entropy.
The teleporter system is based off the map House of Decay from Quakelive. A majority of the textures are from a game called Warsow, with a few textures from Quakelive.

There's also a handful of references to things that I'm sure people are going to overlook. :)

Furthermore, thanks to everyone who helped and contributed, I'm grateful to you all.
dvl_iac · Sun 3 Mar 2024, 6:33 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Love the look of this map. Unique textures, cool architecture, neat sky, nice lighting. Plays well too. Didn't notice any issues with sticky teleporters.
Oddball · Sat 20 May 2023, 15:39 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Very cool map, would be better if the floor wasn't so "sticky" around the teleport points.B)
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