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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Patches/Demos :: Dash Faction 1.8.0 by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: rafalh [View Profile]
File Size: 6.2MB
File Type: exe
Added: 09/16/2022
Downloads: 32903
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Dash Faction is a Red Faction game modification designed to fix original game bugs, improve compatibility with modern
hardware and software, extend functionality, and improve graphical quality and engine performance.

- Multiplayer level auto-downloader
- Spectate mode (first person or free camera)
- Widescreen support
- Windowed and borderless display modes
- Autosaving support for singleplayer
- Better graphical quality (anti-aliasing, higher texture color depth, anisotropic filtering, higher scanner view and mirror resolutions, LOD model improvements and more)
- Improved security (enabled Data Execution Prevention, multiple buffer overflow fixes)
- Multiple game limits raised/removed
- Improved scoreboard with Kills/Deaths column
- Information about killer's weapon displayed in chat
- Option to disable level ambient sounds
- Anti-cheat
- Multiple fixes for high FPS (currently limited to 240), especially the infamous exploding submarine bug
- Country-specific edition support (properly handles game directory structure for German and French editions)
- Improved game performance
- Voting support for dedicated servers
- Hit-sound support for dedicated servers
- Other usability and stability enhancements

Changes in version 1.8.0:
- Autosave after a level transition in singleplayer
- Fixed opacity of images rendered using Display_Fullscreen_Image event
- Fixed blurry fonts in the launcher on HiDPI monitors
- Editor window is now resizeable
- Option to disable beep sound when new player joins multiplayer game and window is not focused
- Many bug fixes, optimizations and other small improvements (see CHANGELOG.md in installation directory for a detailed list)
Mikelice · Sun 11 Aug 2024, 16:05 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
This is probably the most downloaded file. I'm not surprised. Dash Faction allows you to play on newer computers and fixes a lot of bugs and has some cool features. There's also the ease of choosing mods.

My favorite feature in version 1.8.0 is autosave.
BoubouV12 · Tue 12 Sep 2023, 5:35 (edited Sun 17 Sep 2023, 0:59) ·
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greyestfox · Tue 29 Aug 2023, 20:21 ·
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I could not say enough about Dash Faction to thoroughly praise it. Dash Faction takes an older beloved game and makes changing settings, launching the game, and launching mods much easier. Every time I launch an older game I wish it had a fan base like the Red Faction/Faction File community to create a launcher and settings hub as easy and comprehensive as Dash Faction is for Red Faction.
ducki · Thu 22 Sep 2022, 17:56 ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
since i have updated to 1.8 video brightness correction does not work is there a way round this
kerpal · Tue 20 Sep 2022, 23:18 ·
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ReaperAA · Sat 17 Sep 2022, 9:54 ·
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Rafalh as always doing excellent job of making the game better and better. The autosave feature in particular is a godsend for newcomers, who have a chance of screwing up and softlocking themselves at the various timer sections in the game by saving at the wrong time and not making a backup.

Keep up the great work Rafalh.
MysticaL-AceR · Sat 17 Sep 2022, 8:59 ·
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Always love to see this patch keep getting stronger and better. The Autosave feature in this was something crucial and needed now in today's games when new generations of players are used to it. Rather than regretting not saving and end up starting again from zero.

Congrats Ralfy! :!
Goober · Sat 17 Sep 2022, 1:58 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
rafalh you are incredible - this is definitely the best Dash release yet. Great work!

1.8.0 has an enormous amount of bug fixes and added features, but the autosave function is definitely the most impressive part of this release. It's super useful and is going to save players a ton of grief.

Thank you so much rafalh for your on-going work and dedication to RF - your work is appreciated immensely.
RoMeK · Sun 10 Jan 2021, 20:39 ·
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⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.6.0
Rafalh, thank you again for your hard work, sir. The game just gets better and better with every update. :!
RoMeK · Fri 27 Nov 2020, 7:33 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
Thank you for everything you do for this community, Rafalh. I am so grateful for you being part of the community and sharing your incredible hard work with everyone. Seriously, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is one of the most important RF files ever made.
BoubouV12 · Wed 9 Sep 2020, 1:27 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
Thanks for this great update, but too bad the iconic THQ logo doesn't launch.

NOTE from admin: If you want to see the THQ/Volition logos when the game launches, you can turn off "Fast Start" in the Dash Faction options (accessible by clicking the "Options" button in the Dash launcher) :)
Goober · Sat 5 Sep 2020, 18:53 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
rafalh, you never cease to amaze me. The sheer amount of incredible changes in the Dash Faction v1.5.0 changelog is enormous, and the work you've done is fantastic. Dash Faction v1.5.0 is the best version of Red Faction that has ever existed, and I send you all the thanks that I possibly can for making it.

Whether you're a developer, player, or server operator - and whether you've been playing Red Faction for years or only just heard of it yesterday - you want Dash Faction v1.5.0. Download it, install it, enjoy it. You'll thank yourself later.

5/5 stars, hands-down.
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(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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