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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Developer Resources :: First Person Guns in Blender by Intharth
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Author: Intharth [Search Author]
Uploader: Intharth [View Profile]
File Size: 3.1MB
File Type: zip
Added: 03/26/2022
Downloads: 66
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Another Developer Resource to aid modding and give people the chance to view models outside of the game - this time, the First Person models for the guns.

Couple of notes: Whilst the original GLTFs are there and unamended - i have removed the arms from every weapon bar the Riot Shield - this is due to the focus being the weapons and the arms are the same no matter what - the Riot Shield has it because you see how the model works with the arm and it keeps the textures loaded if you wish to import the GLTF with the guns and arms

Remote charge is not included because it uses a slightly different set up and isn't present in the first person model. I can upload the Remote charge separately at some point if anyone would like that.

To use just download and open in Blender :) All textures for the weapons are in the pack.

Enjoy :)

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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
First Person Guns in Blender (newest)03/26/202266[Download]

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