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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Total Conversion :: [SP] Kava: a Red Faction Prequel by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 558.8MB
File Type: zip
Added: 11/01/2021
Downloads: 748
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: Requires PC version of Red Faction with the Dash Faction patch (v1.6.0+ required, v1.7.0+ recommended).
: !!! This isn't a suggestion, you MUST be using Dash 1.6.0 or higher for the campaign to work properly. I'd recommend using 1.7.0 or higher though, to fix a few audio bugs you'll run into otherwise.

Kava is a brand new single player experience for Red Faction with an estimated casual playtime of 2-3 hours, putting it roughly on par with the length of the Red Faction base game. Set a short time prior to the events of the Red Faction campaign, Kava casts the player in the role of Kava Xarel - a miner and Red Faction member sent to steal weapons from a supply depot to help prepare for the upcoming revolt against Ultor.

Experience Mars in a way you've never seen before! Throughout this campaign, you'll visit many diverse environments that were largely or entirely unexplored in the base game - such as the sewer system, Ultor Central Command, and an extended vehicle section that takes you across the surface of Mars!

Kava features 16 extensively detailed new levels, each on average significantly longer and more complex than the levels in the base campaign, as well as new enemies, new puzzles, new dialog (including voiceovers from 5 speaking characters), and plenty of secret areas and easter eggs to find.

Kava has been in development for over 8 months now, and I'm incredibly excited to finally be able to share it with the world!

To everyone on the FactionFiles/RFChat.com Discord server...
You keep this game alive.
You're the reason this project gets to see the light of day.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

A few quick notes:
: I'd recommend setting the Message volume a little higher than the Sound Effect and Music volume, just to ensure you'll be able to hear the new voiceovers properly. I've tried to volume balance the voiceovers as best I could, but on occasion the music may drown out the dialog if your message volume isn't high enough. Sound is hard guys.
: Jeep physics is fun. The jeep will sometimes freak out and go sideways and stuff - unfortunately, there's not much I'm able to do about this since that's just the way vehicles work in RF. I've tried to flatten out the terrain where I could and therefore minimize the potential for such issues to come up, but you're still probably going to hit an "invisible rock" or two in the jeep section.
: Sometimes when you get into a new jeep, the jeep HUD mesh will be invisible - this is a bug in the base game and as far as I know it's not something I can fix. It doesn't affect gameplay in any way, it just might look a little odd until the next time you either go through a level load or load a savegame file. If you want, you can just tap quicksave and quickload after getting into the jeep to fix it.
: If you're up for a challenge after you complete the campaign, find and hit the "Nightmare Mode" switch and then play through the campaign again (it's basically NG+). Nightmare Mode is NOT for the faint of heart - don't say I didn't warn you.
: There are multiple secret areas to find in each level. When you've found all the secret areas in a level, you'll see a message displayed to let you know there are no additional secret areas to find in the current level.
: This is a pretty extensive project, so it'd be impossible to test absolutely every set of circumstances and discover every bug. I've fixed all the bugs that have been discovered by my awesome team of beta testers, but please do feel free to report to me any issues you experience as you play through this campaign. Depending on the severity of issues reported, I may release an updated version to fix them.
: Kava has been optimized for and plays best on 16:9 resolutions (1280x720, 1920x1080, etc.). Nothing will break if you're running a 4:3, 16:10, 21:9, etc. resolution, but some of the on-screen text will be a little stretched.
: Sorry, but the radio messages and voiceovers are English only. If you're interested in translating them into another language, please reach out to me. The translation could be uploaded to the site as an addon pack and/or included in a potential future update.
: Additional notes and helpful tips can be found in the readme within the download.
greyestfox · Tue 29 Aug 2023, 20:16 ·
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Kava is hands down the most polished, impressive mod I've seen for Red Faction yet. It features unique voice acting from the Red Faction/Faction Files community and the voice for the titular character sounds like a professional (and she might be, I don't know). The story is well thought out, doesn't conflict with canon, and is engaging. The levels are very well built and fun to explore and I even found some secret areas to reward my exploration. There are a lot of doors that do not open but I understand modeling an interior that isn't crucial to level progressions would have required even more time and resources. I did have difficulty finding out what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go next and resorted to watching a speed run to help me figure out the next step a few times. It may sound odd or over congratulatory but not being able to figure out what to do or where to go next almost added to the charm as that's exactly how many old school PC games were. The story follows Kava as she's guided through preparations for the revolution and is engaging. While I very much enjoyed the mod, I found it very difficult on the default difficulty setting and eventually decreased the difficulty to Easy. The mod features more enemies, turrets, and vehicles coming to mow you down than you see in the main game. While the show of force absolutely makes sense for what's at stake for Ultor it doesn't totally mesh/make sense with the lesser forces thrown at Parker during the full revolution. That being said, if you're a glutton for punishment and love increased difficulty in FPS's you'll probably love this and even want to play on the harder difficulties. Kava is also a lengthy mod. I think it took me around 4 hours to complete the story. Overall, Kava is extremely impressive. It's on the level that I consider it along the main games and I think I may like it more than some of the official games in the series.
Maniac · Sat 1 Apr 2023, 16:30 ·
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I’ll start my review with Kava. This is a very great mod… ;-)

The action begins in the tram. Kava is the main character. She helps Angus and his crew deliver weapons to the Red Faction before Parker arrives. From the very beginning you can see the familiar places from the base game. My jaw dropped when I got outside. The surface looked like a Guerilla despite the limitations of the engine. The action there is great too. Then, after the M-4 mine, we meet Angus. There's a nice shootout going on over the depot roof... There's more I'd like to add but I don't want to spoiler.

I also wanted to add that the soundtrack is really well matched to the levels. The music is where it should be. The atmosphere is amazing. I love the levels that are outside. It feels like we're on Mars.

I'm glad I found this mod and page. I’ll definitely look into other maps created by the Red Faction community! :)
KatorRed · Wed 1 Jun 2022, 9:52 ·
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This is a Top content. The story is interesting and better than original Parker's story. Levels are smart, fun to play, have superb details, interesting geometry, have secrets, memes and very good voice acting. Kava is better then many commercial shooters. If You love Red Faction then immediately download and play this mod.
VideoJames · Thu 2 Dec 2021, 14:17 ·
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This mod freaking rules. I have a lot of thoughts but I'm gonna try to focus on a few key areas were i think this campaign really shines and adds great new dimension to Red Faction's gameplay.

For example, the scale of the levels. Some of the levels are very large and feel very open compared to the base game. This new scale really adds a lot to many aspects of the gameplay. For example, piloting vehicles through these more open levels is a lot of fun. Compare this to the original game were you were driving and flying through pretty narrow corridors. These larger levels also give you more choice as to how to approach any given situation. However one downside to these larger levels, in my opinion, is that some gunfights happen at too long a range which can be a little annoying considering how inaccurate RF's weapons are. Some players may cherish the opportunity to pull out the sniper rifle but that's not my style :P.

Not only are these levels bigger but they are filled to the brim. There is an extended sequence were shit is just going absolutely bananas. You are fighting hordes of enemies, aesirs are swooping down on you, tanks are appearing around every corner, snipers and turrets are firing at you and its all happening at once. It reaches a level of intensity that the original game never did. There were a couple of moments were i felt a little overwhelmed, but on the whole it was very exciting.

There are also some more traditional corridor crawling levels. These, while maybe not as exciting as the bigger more bombastic levels, are absolutely rock solid. They look great, play great and feature some clever puzzles and fun, inventive sequences.

I also really liked the voice acting. It was a lot of fun to hear all the familiar voices. Y'all where great!

And finally, since this is Red Faction we gotta talk about geomod. I'd say this campaign does a very admirable job using geomod, especially considering the many quirks and quagmires that come with designing around it. Mostly its used to good effect for standard stuff like blowing away walls that are in your way and finding secret areas, but there is one standout sequence that seriously impressed me. I won't spoil it but it is a lot of fun and probably the best use of geomod I have seen.

Great job, Goober! You oughta be proud of what you accomplished here.
liq · Wed 17 Nov 2021, 16:51 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
I think this campaign deserves to be in its own category as another red faction installment not mere mods/total conversions.

For me its miles away (ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD) from just decent-ish rf1 original campaign (Its not even worth mentioning unplayable monstrosities like rf2,rf:g,rf:a ) .
Im totally biased because hearing guys u play with as voiceactors increased immersion and fun factor.
Magnificent project. Cudos to Goober and all members involved in it.
vivalahelvig exegi monumentum :lolpup:
ED BUNGHOLE · Wed 17 Nov 2021, 8:14 ·
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This is a partial review, I'm only 20 minutes in on Impossible with LOTS of quicksaves :P I gave up on single player games a LONG time ago, but had to give this a try since RF is one of the few single player games I finished before I got into multiplayer. Although part of the reason I like it so far is due to nostalgia, I'll quote Mike, "Badass. Five minutes in and it already crushed the original rf1 single player in it's entire. And what i liked best is you can aboard crafts take over controls, fly around blowing the shit out everything. Nice work." He hit the nail right on the head. @Goober I promise I will finish it someday, I just have a couple of thousand of 2v2 matches to play first! :lolpup: Nice work, I can tell its a solid campaign already! My only complaint is that the AR in single player mode is complete shit, but I know that isn't your fault!
Mike · Wed 10 Nov 2021, 20:09 ·
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:rofl: Badass. Five minutes in and it already crushed the original rf1 single player in it's entire. And what i liked best is you can aboard crafts take over controls, fly around blowing the shit out everything. Nice work.
wdssgrant · Sun 7 Nov 2021, 5:35 ·
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Needs more jeeps but asides from that 11/10- IGN
HeyItsDuke · Sun 7 Nov 2021, 5:01 ·
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When Goober mentioned that he was working on a remake of the Red Faction mobile game, I was interested. When he mentioned it was a remake that was going to fully flesh out the campaign beyond the vague story of the mobile game, I was very very interested. And I am not disappointed with the final result. This is practically the Final Fantasy 7 Remake of Red Faction Mobile.

The ambience in this campaign is absolutely fantastic and goes far beyond that of the stock campaign. The martian sky reminds me of something I'd see out of Red Faction: Guerrilla, and that's a compliment. And the level design itself is spot on. They aren't confusing and incoherent, have really good flow, and the puzzles that are there in a few spots help keep it fresh and differentiate it from the stock campaign.

The campaign is very challenging, so I'd suggest clearing the stock campaign first if this is your first time playing. But if you are very cautious, you can make it through. He made sure to place just enough health and armor where you'll need it if you are observant.

As for the story, it is a prequel to the original game and really fits well. It helps show the larger scale of the revolt before it began proper, that was previously only in text form. The production value is really great for a one man fan project. I've only noticed one place where the sound mixing could be a little louder during some spoken dialogue. But of course, this review is for the initial release version. So any minor hitches could be patched out later on.

If you are a Red Faction fan or even new to the series, this campaign is worth checking out for sure. It'll be on my playlist for years to come. Good work Goober! Proud to be a small part of this.

If you see the Elite Envirosuit Guards, please deal with my beautiful sons as quickly and painlessly as possible. I created them and I love them very much. As much as you can love ruthless faceless corporate goons anyway.
Kush · Fri 5 Nov 2021, 20:46 ·
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Red Faction's the first shooter I played on PS2 when I was a kid, I have mad nostalgia for this game.

If you ever wondered what a DLC for Red Faction 1 would've been like this is it. So much nostalgia the whole time even tho it's new content. It feels like a more expanded version of the original. It's like replaying Red Faction all over again for the first time.

100% try this.

5/5 for me.
MysticaL-AceR · Mon 1 Nov 2021, 22:00 ·
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Okay i'm gonna start off the bat with whole honesty that i give in this review, for i can guarantee you won't regret it once the download meter is finished after waiting for so long to get this mod as it is huge. And i don't lie either.

You're not Parker, but you play as a female miner named Kava. It uses the female Masako skin recolored to be generic rebellious. The entire story is set as a prequel to "Red Faction 1 Mobile" game with character names you probably won't even recognize since the mobile versions of Red Faction were a RARE case in gaming industry. But that's just my point of view.

As the main descriptions says, it does contain 16 extroardinary levels with its own ups and downs depending on your strategic methods of playing, cause these maps... well, they don't fuck around! They aren't the same boring stock singleplayer maps you've played countless times before. And the enemy rooster is quite of a challenge so its the best thing to quicksave countless times if you go in and Rambo rampage as you like.

Goober's maps are on the spot here, very extremely detailed, with ambience of both RF2 and RFG. I think my most favorite map of them all was the open-world one where you destroy the towers in an Aesir fighter. Next to the level where you blow the shit up out of walls using inflammable crates and a whole army of guards are coming after your ass!

Kava campaign promises a potential of a good custom singleplayer mod that'll keep your adrenaline blood pumping in until you reach to your main means of escape towards the shuttle bay. Let's not forget the voice acting too. AAliceH voices the main protagonist while the RF crew she meets up with, are voiced by no one other than RF Community mentioned in credits and briefing opening.

The gunplay is the same, there's nothing changed in terms of firepower, only the story and levels. Congrats to good old Goober for establishing such an amazing mod as well as others who tested it many times (including myself). 8 months of work did paid off. And hopefully new RF players could give it a try! arm2
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