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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Delusions Beta 1 by kerpal
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Author: kerpal [Search Author]
Uploader: kerpal [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmdb1.rfl
RFL Date: 06/13/2021
File Size: 16.8MB
File Type: rar
Added: 06/13/2021
Downloads: 146 (109 In-Game AutoDL)
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👍 Recommended! 
(based on 3 user ratings)

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Delusions is a medium sized death match map suitable for maybe around 6-8 players. Lots of verticality and angular passageways in this one. I really tried to keep as many pathways open to really increase the flow of the map. There's always a way no matter which direction you're looking. Style and aesthetics were borrowed from games like Quake and Unreal Tournament. In fact a majority of the textures are from Quake Live.

Overall this map took me nearly 3 years to build and it underwent many changes along the way. What this map is now is definitely not what I originally planned on paper. Hope y'all enjoy this one! This is only a beta since I have no idea how it will play with multiple people.
RoMeK · Sat 19 Jun 2021, 8:35 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Wow. Playing this map made me immediately think "Holy crap, how long did this take to make?" reading that it took 3 years on and off with many changes makes A LOT OF SENSE because... wow... the attention to detail is incredible. I absolutely love how each area changes so drastically. I can feel the labor of love you put into this, kerpal. Well done! I played it by myself but if you ever want to test it with people, let me know and I'd be happy to test it with you. Great work, dude!
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