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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: RFU6 - Overlord by Beatonator
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Author: Beatonator [Search Author]
Uploader: Beatonator [View Profile]
RFL Name: CTF-RFU6-Overlord.rfl
RFL Date: 05/11/2021
File Size: 2.6MB
File Type: rar
Added: 05/15/2021
Downloads: 304 (262 In-Game AutoDL)
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This is Overlord.
A brutal battle exists between the 2 teams and the battle for the central ravine goes on. those looking to avoid the direct combat may find that the higher ground could be a more tactical approach, or maybe trying the direct route underground via the storage area.

This map was created for RFU6, with the theme of creating a map that would fit in with the default aesthetics of Red Faction.
The map contains a plethora of custom CTF re-skinned textures but retains the feel of Red Faction.

I would expect optimal player count would be 6 - 12. Happy fragging!
Goober · Fri 21 May 2021, 15:50 ·
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Overlord is awesome. I'll elaborate a bit, but if you haven't played this map yet, skip reading this review and just spend that time playing the map instead - you'll be glad you did.

Overlord is a relatively large CTF map consisting of a mostly wide open central area with a tunnel under it, two multilevel bases, and winding canyons on either side of the upper level that connect the bases to eachother and each to the central area via a powerful vantage point that doubles as a jumppad to the Fusion pickup. Overlord also contains numerous opportunities to open up additional (and extremely useful) routes by use of GeoMod. The layout works well - the outside areas are fun to fight in, and the Geo-able areas keep the base interesting.

Beatonator described Overlord to me as essentially a mashup of Warlords and Blasted Canyon. While I can see some minor influence from Warlords in the three level base design, the map on the whole definitely leans more heavily on the influence from Blasted Canyon, and that's really awesome to see, especially with how few Blasted Canyon-inspired maps are out there compared to Warlords-inspired maps.

My only real criticism on the layout, if I had to make one, is that I would rather the lower tunnel open to the second level rather than (or in addition to) the first. As is, it's pretty trivial to intercept a player who took the lower ("safer") route, which hurts the versatility of that route.

I love the aesthetic and the mood this map evokes. It fits nicely within the Red Faction visual style while also clearly indicating it's a custom map made by an experienced mapper who knows the level editor inside and out and has a deep respect and appreciation for level design principles established by Volition in the default CTF maps. Additionally, Beatonator made a bunch of CTF colorized versions of stock RF textures for this map and they really add a lot.

Overall, I think Overlord is a great pub CTF map that will be played often going forward. The match/scrim players have also taken a liking to Overlord for larger player count games (4v4/5v5), so it may have a future on that front as well.

Great work here, Beatonator!
SeeLkaDooM94 · Sat 15 May 2021, 21:20 ·
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What happens when Warlords and Blasted Canyon are combined, their baby would be this. I loved this very much!
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