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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: RFU6 - Live Mines (Beta 1) by BATEMAN
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Author: BATEMAN [Search Author]
Uploader: BATEMAN [View Profile]
RFL Name: CTF-RFU6-Live Mines_beta1.rflCopy RFL Name
RFL Date: 05/13/2021
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 45.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 05/15/2021
Downloads: 90 (33 In-Game AutoDL)
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For RFU6 I made a map using original Volition concept art for the red/blue base with the rest improvised. This concept art had been used before for a Red faction single player mod. I think my version a little better.

Super armour, invulnerability, damage amplifier and rail drive have been omitted from this map

Here is a montage of the map being made:

Thanks to Intharth for editing texture for blue base and Redalex for testing.
RoMeK · Sat 12 Jun 2021, 1:48 ·
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Always in awe of your maps, Bateman. You have an incredible eye for detail and a lot of talent as a mapper. It's always a treat to play your maps. You'll always be one of my favorite mappers.
Goober · Wed 19 May 2021, 12:31 ·
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Live Mines is incredible. When I read that BATEMAN was recreating a scene from Volition's concept art, I was hooked immediately. After seeing it, I'm incredibly happy that Volition never attempted this scene, because I'm certain BATEMAN did a far better job than they ever would have.

This map captures a mood I've not seen effectively captured before in a Red Faction map. It's difficult to describe, but between the fog level and the orange light glares (glare_center), it gives the impression that dirt or dust is lingering in the air - very fitting for the setting. This map has some serious character and it's awesome to see.

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention the turrets. They're damn cool. They work far better than I ever would have expected them to have before I played the map. Between the turrets in this map and the chaingun in RFU5 - Shadowgrounds, BATEMAN has really shown his talent for this sort of thing.

I do agree with Mitzi though - the memes, while fun, are a little much. For pubs and scrims, I'd very much like to see a "clean" variation of this map with the memes removed.
Mitzi · Wed 19 May 2021, 5:56 ·
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Gorgeous map, my favorite from RFU6 visually. The memes are a bit much though
Spikeyuk · Sun 16 May 2021, 10:55 ·
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Dude, I cannot believe how much you down played this map to me and said it was crap, however, the day we got to play this map, I was stunned! Visually the map is stunning! You truly captured a work of art for this map based off a concept art made by volition. Why Volition did not hire you when you were a baby is beyond me! But very excellent map. The best work I have seen yet from you and hopefully will continue further in the future!
SeeLkaDooM94 · Sat 15 May 2021, 21:06 ·
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It has Elvis Presley music in it. :lolpup: Overall very great concept based off the Volition artwork.
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RFU6 - Live Mines (Beta 1) (newest)05/15/202190[Download] [Install]

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