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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: Tesseract by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctftesseract.rfl
RFL Date: 05/13/2021
File Size: 15.4MB
File Type: zip
Added: 05/13/2021
Downloads: 352 (300 In-Game AutoDL)
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CTF - Tesseract is a port of test_ctf from the game Tesseract.

I started this map for a few reasons:
- I like the game Tesseract;
- The layout is very, very basic and generally good;
- The visuals, while simplistic, are great;
- Why not? Seemed like a fun map, and it's simple enough that I could build and release it in a few days (or so I thought).

I didn't put much thought into the item/spawn layout at first, and released a beta on Nov 24, 2019 to get feedback. Since then, this map has become a favorite for matches/scrims within the competitive community. As such, I've gotten a lot of play time in on it. That experience plus feedback from other players has led to some minor tweaks since that first beta, but the core of the map is still as it was then.

Today, I'm releasing the "final" version of this map - ctftesseract.rfl. I hope you enjoy the map and feel free to leave a rating and/or review with your thoughts.

See you in game!

PS. For anyone who played the "release candidate" version of this map, here's a list of all the changes between that version and the final version:
- Removed Sniper & PR ammo from side of ramp to mid
- Moved AR & SMG ammo from side of ramp to mid to next to flag room
- Moved health pack from under ramp to mid to the side of that same ramp
- Added health pack under sniper rifle cube
- Fully portaled the map (performance optimization)
- Reduced height of lockers in Super Health room to make them slightly easier to jump on
- Adjusted map name in level properties from "Tesseract (RC1)" to "Tesseract"
RoMeK · Sat 12 Jun 2021, 1:57 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Really enjoy the feel of this map. The open air, the low gravity, the spacial layout. It just feels right. Not that into competitive play but it seems like it would play very well for high competitive play. Good work!
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