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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Total Conversion :: [MP] Iron Sun Mod: Complete Edition by ISM Team
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Author: ISM Team [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 93.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 03/29/2021
Downloads: 166
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Codename: Iron Sun is designed to replicate scenarios special forces undertake. Each scenarios includes the wide-spread Rogue terrorist organization, and the Iron Sun squads -- elite international squads, assembled specifically to hinder Rogue operations.

ISM Complete Edition is a repack of the original Iron Sun Mod ([ISM]) that fixes some minor crashing issues and includes a ton of additional custom maps that were developed for the mod after its original release. Prior to ISMCE, digging up these maps was a bit of a challenge and some of them never worked correctly. Hopefully now with the release of ISMCE, some of these previously maps that were largely lost to the sands of time can gain new life.

NOTE: To avoid any compatibility issues between versions of this mod, ISMCE uses a new mod name - "ISMCE" as opposed to the original mod's "[ISM]". DO NOT rename the mod folder! Doing so WILL cause you issues.

Maps included in ISMCE are:
- ctf01: Storm by espear / RED-FROG
- ctf02: Assault by Stephen "DIESEL" Cameron & Mike
- ctf03: Desert Sand by $ephiroth & RED-FROG
- ctf04: Sabotage by darkflamer
- ctf05: Lockdown by RoMeK
- ctf06: Sand City by !!BATEMAN!!
- ctf07: Case by Cyrus
- ctf08: Vault by SKA-Diesel
- ctf09: Industrial by SKA-Diesel
- ctf10: Westside by SKA-Diesel
- ctf11: Vigilance by Chubaka
- ctf12: Subway by Alias & Mike
- ctf13: Sting by Mike
- ctfambush: Mountain Ambush by Alias
- ctfancient: Ancient by RoMeK
- ctfcatacombs: Frenzied Catacombes by FrenziedCorpse
- ctfcity2: City2 by Matthew Arsenault, SesS, & Dark
- ctfconstruction: Construction Yard by Blade
- ctfdeathjungle: Death Jungle by jason_x
- ctfdust: Dust by RoMeK
- ctflockeddown: Locked Down by Jason_x
- ctfofficespace: Office Space by Dethstalker & Nastiezo
- ctfrevival: Revival (Arrival) by Edgecrusher & XenCorp
- ctfrtslandings2: Rts Landings 2 by Wizard
- ctfsmallvillage: Small Village by Jason_x
- ctfstrike: Strike by $ephiroth
- ctfsummit: Rocky Sumit by ={xXx}=KillaFreak
- ctfunderworld: UnderWorld by Jason_x
- ctfwharf: Wharf of Sorrows by w.r.e.c.k.s.
- glass_house: Warehouse by Mike
kerpal · Tue 21 May 2024, 2:39 ·
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I didn't get a chance to play much of this back then so being able to play with a good amount of people was a bit of a fresh and exciting experience for me.
It definitely plays a lot like CS. You have the different squads that are similar to terrorists and counter-terrorists and each squad has a main objective that can change depending on the map.
There's a ton of maps for this and some of them are pretty fun while others have some design flaws. The weapon layout is very much like CS. Of course you got your AK, Desert Eagle, RPG etc. Some of them look great while others are kinda potato quality. There's also a bug with the RPG, where if you're not playing as the default character model it will crash your game. This was actually kinda funny to see multiple people with RPG's frozen in place during game night because their game crashed lol.
The radio sound bits was a nice touch as well, it really gives it the classic CS feel.

Overall while this mod has it's setbacks, a lot of love went into making this and it's easy to see why it was such a classic back then. Even today if you have a good amount of players it's a blast to play.
Mikelice · Sun 19 May 2024, 15:23 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Iron Sun is a special group that fights Rogue terrorists. This is the main task of Iron Sun. Game Type is Objective. The mod is very similar to Counter-Strike, including the level design. There are a lot of maps to play, some of them are really large. The weapons in this mod are also cool. The funny thing is that there is a laser scope on the Back Hand and the MR Desert Eagle .44.

The only thing that can be faulted is the team color. Unfortunately, you just have to blindly shoot other players or look at the indicator, which can be irritating. But this can be forgiven because a lot of work was put into this mod. I recommend trying it! ;dd
RoMeK · Sun 27 Jun 2021, 0:36 (edited Thu 9 May 2024, 3:01) ·
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Just to note, this version is missing a few maps.
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
[MP] Iron Sun Mod: Complete Edition (newest)03/29/2021166[Download] [Install]
[MP] Iron Sun Mod (ISM) v1.2 U_0201/18/2012681[Download] [Install]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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