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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Total Conversion :: [SP/MP] Red Faction Gibs v2.1 by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 1.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/25/2020
Downloads: 101
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v2.1 of my RF Gibs mod - its first public release. v1.0 was made years ago but never released.

This mod adds gibbing to all flesh-based characters in the RF campaign (ie. basically everything except the robots), and all players in multiplayer. Note that this mod cannot be run as a clientside mod. This means to use it in multiplayer, the server and all other players in the game also need to be running the mod.

If you want to see this mod in action, I posted a video to my YouTube channel a while ago. Watch it here:

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Maniac · Wed 26 Jul 2023, 17:33 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Bloody hell! Brutal. :-$
dvl_iac · Sat 10 Jul 2021, 22:46 ·
and like this
This is pretty hilarious! Makes kills way more fun when everyone explodes into a bunch of meat chunks instead of just falling down. It's just a shame it can't be run as a clientside mod.

You probably can't do this in RF but it would be even cooler if you could do position based gibbing, like if the arm is where you got the kill then the arm blows off, or if you get a head shot the head blows up, leg shot the leg blows off, stomach shot the intestines fall out. Kind of like how Soldier Of Fortune did it way back in the day. :P
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