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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Tools :: V3D Tool 0.1 by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: rafalh [View Profile]
File Size: 733.8KB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/09/2020
Downloads: 145
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NOTE: This is not the latest released version of this tool. See [VMesh 0.3.5].


V3D Tool converts meshes in GLTF format to V3D format (.v3m file extension).
Only static meshes are supported. They can be used as 3D models for clutter and item objects or imported into RED (editor).

v3d-tool input.gltf output.v3m

* Maximal number of vertices in a primitive is 5232.
* Maximal number of indices in a primitive is 9232.
* Maximal number of textures in a mesh is 7.
* All nodes with meshes attached are exported as submeshes in V3D.
* LOD (level of detail) meshes is not supported.
* Only direct node transformations are applied to the mesh. Node hierarchy is completly ignored by this tool.
* Base color texture is used as diffuse map. Other maps are not supported (V3D limitation).
* For emissive materials only maximal value (channel) of RGB factor is used (e.g. if emissive factor is #FF0000 resulting V3D will have full emission).
* Double sided material property is supported. If not enabled back-face culling is used for V3D rendering.

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