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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Mining Station (Beta 32) by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmminingstationb32.rfl
RFL Date: 08/12/2019
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 3.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/12/2019
Downloads: 1354 (1214 In-Game AutoDL)
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Beta 32 of Mining Station - a Red Faction deathmatch map that I've been building off-and-on over the last few weeks, using the base layout of metl4 (Mining Station) from Sauerbraten, originally built by metlslime. Recommended for 2-10 players.

I do intend to finish this map at a later date, however I'm unsure when that will be as of now. Until then, I thought I'd release the current (playable) beta so you can all enjoy it in the meantime.

NOTE: The map is not finished and may have bugs. I welcome any and all feedback/criticisms on the map on Discord, or via DM/PM. I also hid Beta 31 from FF, so that's why you're not finding it if you're looking. If you want an old version of this map for some reason, feel free to DM me.

Changelog from Beta 31:
-Fixed jumppads not working properly with some multiplayer characters
-Very minor texturing fixes
-Added sign to make one side of mid section less boring
-Slightly adjusted fog level
-Added invisible brushes to smooth out movement in some areas
Mikelice · Sun 4 Aug 2024, 12:32 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Great map, even the number of downloads says it all. The weapon placement is also good. It's also fun to play in public.
dvl_iac · Sun 4 Aug 2024, 5:08 ·
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Great Map! I've never played Sauerbraten so don't know how it compares to the original. However, it looks nice, lots of detail, great texture work, fun to play, what more can I say. Did you seriously release this map 31 other times? You are very indecisive haha. :lolpup:
BATEMAN · Sat 8 Apr 2023, 9:39 ·
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Well its time... Time to review this map. Many years have past and many hours have been spent playing it. Plays well with little player count and large player count, an achievement not common in RF maps. truly a top tier map that doesn't have you screaming out "I NEED A GUN!" or "I NEED HEALTH AND ARMOUR!" Item placement satisfies even the grumpiest of players. Fantast looking geometry and layout.
kerpal · Tue 15 Jun 2021, 23:24 ·
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Never seen the one from Sauerbraten, but I really love this version. Especially the style and aesthetics. I feel like this could be a legit default RF mp map or at least something that's part of the singleplayer campaign. What I love the most about this though is the layout. There are a lot of different pathways you can take that all circle around the map. I feel like it just flows really, really well. Well done Chris!
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Mining Station (Beta 32) (newest)08/12/20191354[Download] [Install]

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