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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction: Armageddon - Mods - Standalone :: RFA First Person Mod by SlaveOfSelf
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Author: SlaveOfSelf [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 7.5MB
File Type: zip
Added: 03/11/2018
Downloads: 567
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Features FOV is 80 for all views. 1st person is only when on foot. Theres some clipping sometimes and unfortunately it was too hard to make weapons constantly visible without bugs, but nothing too big. Theres no weapon visible when zooming. All vehicles are 3rd, but ive centered camera directly behind them and slightly above. tested on 1.01
Goober · Mon 29 Aug 2022, 2:18 ·
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This mod is incredible. Despite the game being pretty much universally derided, I really enjoyed most aspects of Armageddon... aside from the third person camera. This mod isn't perfect (the third person weapon model glitches through the screen sometimes for example), but it's a strict improvement to the game in my mind.

I haven't actually played through the entire campaign without this mod installed, and I'm quite happy to stay that way.
MartianMadman · Sat 8 Aug 2020, 12:37 ·
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Way better than my attempt at 1st person for RF:G. It's amazing just how much perspective can change a game. This mod somehow makes RF:A a drastically better game. It's like as if it was meant to be played in 1st person. If you are new to RF:A or have any ideas on replaying it, then this mod is a must have for sure. Very impressive how well done this mod is. Great work man.
Cyrus · Sun 25 Mar 2018, 8:28 ·
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Nice modification, first person works pretty good with RFA. Is there a chance to completely disable/hide the weapons? Thanks for the mod! :)
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