Author: BloodlustSup & SeeLkaDooM
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Uploader: SeeLkaDooM94
[View Profile] RFL Name: PDM-BloodlustRunCircuit.rfl
RFL Date: 05/25/2012
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 7MB
File Type: zip
Added: 05/25/2012
Downloads: 515 (212 In-Game AutoDL)
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PDM - BloodLust Run Circuit ----- By Bloodlust-Sup & SeeLkaDooM
The first run map ever made with an ussual course circuit map. It may be used as a TDM map like versus Teams (Red vs Blue) to see whos the best team. It doesnt matter how many laps you run in this map becuz YOU will decide how many u want to do. If you wanna be spectator , you can sit down and watch eighter from top or bottom of the ,,satelite'' space map.
The winners like 1st , 2nd and 3rd gets on the podium. There is no Finish room unlike other run maps.
No death regions to start all over , instead, there are push regions to get you up back.
The idea and map sketch is by Bloodlust-sup and the rest of the map construction is by me.
No Kills , No Cheats , No Deaths . Good luck though! ;)
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Name | Date Added | Downloads | Quick Links |
BloodLust Run Circuit (newest) | 05/25/2012 | 515 | [Download] [Install] |