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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: TELEPORT by RED JUSTICE
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Author: RED JUSTICE [Search Author]
Uploader: RED_JUSTICE [View Profile]
RFL Date: 02/13/2004
File Size: 7.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/03/2010
Downloads: 578 (300 In-Game AutoDL)
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While the battle between the miners and Ultor rages on the surface of Mars, the Space Station MiShA orbits Mars in blissful ignorance of the carnage below. Onboard the space station, Professor Kiliad has been trying to create a working teleporter for 23 years. Today he completed his prototype.

When the professor broadcast news of his success, all Hell broke loose. Both Ultor Executives and Eos realized that whoever controlled the teleporter would win the war for control of Mars. In playing this map, you join the battle for control of the space station.


The map takes place in a working space station. The place looks lived in and patched up, not shiny and new (think MIR rather than something from the movies). The central feature of this map is a working multiplayer teleporter. Throw the switch and all players in the map get teleported to a special killing room. Arm yourself to the teeth and throw the switch. The teleporter is located in the reactor room (you'll have to blow the blast doors for access from the main area). The central section of the space station is augmented by a series of hidden passageways that all lead (eventually) to the teleporter. There are several rooms that offer rail firing on other sections of the map. This is a large map but gameplay is quick because the teleporter prevents camping. Throughout the game, there are a series of timed ambient sounds designed to help convey the chaos of a raging battle inside a space station. There are 19 spawn points and everyone spawns with weapons and some armor.

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