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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Run :: Stafett by Sofia
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Author: Sofia [Search Author]
Uploader: Legacy Uploads [View Profile]
RFL Name: dm-stafett.rfl
RFL Date: 04/15/2008
File Size: 8.5MB
File Type: rar
Added: 04/15/2014
Downloads: 1199 (878 In-Game AutoDL)
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A no death zone 1v1 run map. Outrun your opponent side by side through invisible walls.
MysticaL-AceR · Thu 5 Jan 2023, 13:17 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
It has Dragonforce soundtrack, what's not to love? Unfortunately not many runners are very fond of 1v1 runs, although i can't remember if they even tried 1v1 challenges on this map years back, but nonetheless Stafett marked its point in the most played runs in the history of RF Run maps.
Mitzi · Sun 28 Sep 2014, 3:12 ·
User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
Very poorly made map that still manages to do what it set out to -- provide a map for two runners to race in. This was really popular a few years ago.

The map has been played to death and nothing like it has really been done since. If we had more 1v1 maps, would people do more run 1v1s? :D
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