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Posted: November 26, 2013, 2:52 Post #18
Quoting Goober
I was able to replicate the issue, and I determined what causes it (but not why).

Long story short: delete the keyframes.

More detailed explanation:
I tried retexturing the entire map, deleting all portals and detail brushes, making this wall detail, deleting all except that section of the map, moving the geometry of the map to a new .rfl file, remaking the geometry, making new portals (one of the portals in this map is REALLY broken), nothing seemed to work.

After a ton of testing, the only consistency I found was that the issue only happened when the shooter is aimed in a certain direction. It doesn't matter if the victim's hitboxes are within the collision mesh of the wall brush (as I originally had thought). This direction happens to be towards the white "walk-through" boxes in this map, which are movers set to "No Player Collide". When I deleted these keyframe objects (but not the brushes themselves) and rebuilt geometry, I was unable to reproduce the issue at either of the two locations your video showed.

I was also able to reproduce this issue in other areas on the original map. If the victim is standing between a mover brush and the shooter (regardless of other level geometry), he will be hurt.

I don't know of a way to fix this issue yet. I've tried a few different tests, but the issue is still present. For the time being, I think the only way you're going to avoid this issue is to remove those movers (the walk through white boxes).

I hope this solves your issue :v

WOW! That is mind-blowing man! After all this time, it was the keyframes?! GAHHH! *dies* The largest problem is that my modded map has 50x more keyframes than the original map. How the hell am I going to do this now!? What are the odds that I pick the most glitchiest map. :-/

But THANK YOU SO MUCH GOOBER for your help! That was definitely a huge assist and I appreciate every bit of it! I knew you were the one to contact! I'll see what I can do with these keyframe issues. Never again am I dealing with this map. Omg! LoL Much appreciated man!

And Ice, THANK YOU very much as well for trying to help me out as well and all your testings and such! You are an amazing partner! You rock!

You both are great! :D Finally some closure! *Sigh of relief*

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Posted: November 26, 2013, 9:14 Post #19
So.. in other words , your going to get rid of some useless keyframes that glitched the map ? People wont notice this ,,wallhack'' since we're used to frag from our points of view (face-to-face) but not on the opposites of the walls.(when not having the Railgun) :v

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Posted: November 27, 2013, 2:47 Post #20
Quoting SeeLkaDooM94
So.. in other words , your going to get rid of some useless keyframes that glitched the map ? People wont notice this ,,wallhack'' since we're used to frag from our points of view (face-to-face) but not on the opposites of the walls.(when not having the Railgun) :v

Yeah it would be like that if my mod was a deathmatch. ;) haha. But it's not. Basically my map is an official of my BETA Metal Gear Faction map that I posted before. It's a game-changer.
Edited by JayDee at November 27, 2013, 3:57

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