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Posted: October 24, 2016, 20:36 Post #1

As detailed in the article above, PEGI has recently rated Red Faction (1) for PS4 - meaning a port or remaster could be coming soon.

Do you expect a remaster of the game? If so, what changes do you expect from the original?


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Posted: October 26, 2016, 2:26 Post #2
I would like to see a remaster... With enhanced graphics... And VR capabilities. I would like to blow shit up and make tunnels, like I was actually there.B)

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Posted: October 26, 2016, 15:46 Post #3
Quoting Haze202
Disappointing if it's not on pc

Need i say more? , beside isaac's options thats all i can say too.

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Posted: December 8, 2016, 3:38 Post #4
There is already a PS2 port on the PS4 Market place (states Released Dec 6, 2016 so this could be it???)
... Its a shame the PS4 isn't just reverse compatible as i own a PS2 version


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Edited by stealthzoar at December 8, 2016, 3:43

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Posted: December 10, 2016, 22:11 Post #5
Yeah Pretty Crappy, all they did was take Sonys proprietary PS2 emulator and run the ISO basically.

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Posted: December 21, 2016, 13:34 Post #6
I saw this on the PS4 store the other week and it really pulled at the heart strings when the memories came flooding back. I think a lot of it has to do with growing up and it being my first real love and addiction as far as online gaming goes, but nothing has come close to this game since.

To anyone that played regularly in 2001-2003 when I was 15, no matter what fall outs or rivalries there were, I loved you all.

Especially that one guy in the bulky player model that used to do nothing but plant C4 and wait for people to walk by. I forget your name now. I don't think you ever talked, but you were always there in CTF.

And of course furyWEB and PROD1GY, who were fantastic friends to me back then. You were also the reason I have this stupid name, I don't think I ever explained to you why that was.
I think about this game and the players I shared it with with fond memories every now and again. I have so many.

I'm married now and so the PC gaming lifestyle ended back in 2011, but I can sit in front of a TV with a PS4 sometimes. Currently enjoying Titanfall 2. My PSN is Lysholm, and any one of you is welcome to play with me.
Edited by EeekiE at December 21, 2016, 13:36

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Posted: December 21, 2016, 15:57 Post #7
Yo, I remember you. I played chaser with you (opiumz) and I played my first game of UT2004 with you. I remember it well because you made a comment "you did well considering you were dead all the time" hahaha, I'll never forget that. I was terrible.

Did you continue to play UT2004? I fell hardcore in love with it and after a month I was obsessed, I played it like 14 hours a day at one point. I joined a team with aAa/mouz/n!faculty and a few years later UT2004 kind of went to the dogs. TDM died off in favour of a new game mode. I've been thinking about how I'd return to competitive gaming, and I'm struggling to find some of the people I used to game with. Imo, the UT2004 community was one of the best communities.

Sometimes I think games should stay in the past and we should look at them with fond memories, but it's also much easier to make money these days with streaming and stuff.

Sadly, 99% of the players from 2001-2003 were VAC banned on steam but there might still be some that play casually. The majority of NERV were definitely VAC banned.

Especially that one guy in the bulky player model that used to do nothing but plant C4 and wait for people to walk by. I forget your name now. I don't think you ever talked, but you were always there in CTF.

He was definitely still mining the flag when I loaded it up in 2010. His name at one point was "big explosion", he later changed name to "hellen killer" and switched to a female skin.

FURYweb still games. He asked me about it not that long ago (it could have been a year or two ago) but I completely quit gaming for a few years and it's literally only been in the last few weeks I've been thinking of playing them again. I'm often injuring myself with physical activities and it's just something I can do without having to spend much money on.

You shouldn't quit games for a woman if you still enjoy them. Fuck that man.

For me, this game was just the start to competitive gaming but it was always one of my favourites. I think all its bugs gave it character. It's also really helped me develop myself as an asshole and for business it's quite useful to be able to have a different character.

Edited by N/A at December 21, 2016, 16:13

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