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Posted: January 22, 2013, 0:48 Post #1
A while ago, I had a server.zip (courtesy of Philip) that was a configuration for servers, and allowed me to ftp(?) when I was renting from maverick and run it all.

Now, my old laptop is done for, and I was wondering if Digi, Nick, or anyone else has a copy of this folder of the standalone server configuration. The settings for the server were all perfect, and I don't really know how to set a similar one up on my own.

Much thanks,


gay my mom isnt making turkey this year..so it's not a happy thanksgiving go fuckyourself,. -Lawrence
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Posted: January 23, 2013, 2:10 Post #2
idk exactly what config would have been in it unless there was a match server config or something

pretty much just grab the standalone server http://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=2956

make sure it's patched to latest pf beta (i know it grabs 3.0 but not sure if it's 3.0 beta. just grab it from purefaction.org)

set up server following my server guide http://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=viewthread&id=148 (you can probably skip past a few parts as you're not an idiot)

then just set up the rest of the server shit in pflauncher

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Posted: January 23, 2013, 6:56 Post #3
I have the Match server from maverick back up. He still had the old configuration with all the files that Philip set up.

Is it at all possible to get the "/ready" function or hitsounds?

If not, it's fine. It'd just be cool to salvage some of the work.

gay my mom isnt making turkey this year..so it's not a happy thanksgiving go fuckyourself,. -Lawrence
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Posted: January 23, 2013, 7:14 Post #4
all of that is gone. have backups of some stuff but none of it is anywhere near ready-to-use

can't believe maverick saved all the server stuff lol

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Posted: January 25, 2013, 4:13 Post #5
gibe pasword plos

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Posted: January 25, 2013, 4:28 Post #6
pw is hello

gay my mom isnt making turkey this year..so it's not a happy thanksgiving go fuckyourself,. -Lawrence
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Posted: January 26, 2013, 8:32 Post #7
thanks man

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Posted: January 26, 2013, 19:04 Post #8

Mario, I received your email and I replied to it. Sorry for the late response--your mail went to my spam folder. Please keep game related stuff on this forum as I use that email address for work and I don't want gamers mailing me there (it's nothing personal.) Alternatively you can message me on rizon IRC.

Maverick's setup is a zip file I gave him that he extracts and that's why he still has my config. I met him from unreal tournament and pulled some strings; it's rare for server companies to bother with this game.

I don't have anything except a frame rate changer but that's not mine to give (it belongs to nick or digi.) I don't believe it will serve any purpose for you (mavericks setup won't allow it, you would need to rent a windows based server.) unless you plan to host on your laptop.

Some other things I suggest would be to install this http://www.brainless.us/downloads.aspx?cid=9 and if you need to change the windows key (I had to implement a backslash key) use this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/goglobal/bb964665.aspx It's free and it's far better than other software. digi, you might also want to take a look at the latter, you can implement certain keys that you can't with a simple remapper tool.

As a gamer I think playing this game is a bit of a mistake. Playing bad people allows you to get into bad habits to the point that it's EXTREMELY difficult to get out of them.

I don't think there's ANY reason to play people worse than you until you are already really quite good. You might learn something playing bad or good people but I believe that you'll learn more in the same time by playing good people. The only reason you should be playing low-skill people is to give you better execution and to add a morale boost from stressful games. nick and I disagree on some of this, so don't take what I'm saying as fact. There's a science behind it but I don't think anyone knows the true facts (it's a bit like the ideal way to workout, every gym junky has a different idea on what you should eat.) There are exceptions to the rule, too. For example, I have extremely poor execution in games and a lot of this is due to an unreliable aim. For me, the best method of improving would probably be to play low skill players that have amazing dodges. You can psycho-analyse all day but I just don't play enough. Low skill and amazing dodge sounds like a contradiction... You're advantaged compared to Nick or I simply because there's a lot more knowledge around the internet now. The games are shit, sure, but there's certainly ways of becoming good. I couldn't ever work out how good you want to be and perhaps this paragraph is of no use to you. Honestly though, the community is trash, the game isn't much better (even if it is addictive and likeable) and I think you'd be better biting the bullet and learning a more difficult game or even LoL. I realise that "high skill" is only how good the best player in the game is but the difference between say nick or I (perhaps I do wrong by grouping us together considering there's a pretty massive difference in aim) compared to toure is extremely huge.

Off topic; I'm thinking of buying a happy hacking keyboard, or a realforce. Thoughts?
Edited by N/A at January 26, 2013, 19:09

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Posted: January 27, 2013, 6:42 Post #9
idk not used either

realforce comes in white thats cool

$239 tho goddamn

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Posted: February 2, 2013, 3:05 Post #10
Yeah they're not cheap. Also, mario, I tried to give a friendly response but it seems you are quite a user still, and a troll judging from your posts at voltz.

I'm not trying to change who you are (expecting you to be anything other than a halfwit vulgar user would be a waste of a brain cell I'm sure) but if I could kindly ask that you do not try to contact me in anyway (email, forum, whatever) from here on out that would be great.

That includes one year from now when you're bored, lonely and want someone to game with.
Edited by N/A at February 2, 2013, 3:06

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Posted: February 2, 2013, 21:45 Post #11
Quoting superphillll
Yeah they're not cheap. Also, mario, I tried to give a friendly response but it seems you are quite a user still, and a troll judging from your posts at voltz.

I'm not trying to change who you are (expecting you to be anything other than a halfwit vulgar user would be a waste of a brain cell I'm sure) but if I could kindly ask that you do not try to contact me in anyway (email, forum, whatever) from here on out that would be great.

That includes one year from now when you're bored, lonely and want someone to game with.


gay my mom isnt making turkey this year..so it's not a happy thanksgiving go fuckyourself,. -Lawrence
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