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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: (MM)madd_faction by madd maxx
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Author: madd maxx [Search Author]
Uploader: Legacy Uploads [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctf_(MM)madd_faction.rfl
RFL Date: 11/09/2003
File Size: 857.9KB
File Type: zip
Added: 04/01/2011
Downloads: 3 (0 In-Game AutoDL)
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The following description was auto-imported from a text file included with the map:

title : (MM)madd_faction
version : 1.0
release date : NOVEMBER 2003
filename : CTF_(MM)madd_faction
author : Madd Maxx
e-mail address : kjkkkk@aol.com
players : 2-8

TYPE :capture the flag


this level has both sniper and close combat fighting. for those of you that like the rail gun there are
plenty of rail guns, only where sniping would be allowed. plenty of geo mod, so blow up the map and have fun.
ok and now for the map there is only one fusion in the map.right in the middle of live fire area. each base
has one secret room with all the weapons and powerups in it.once you grab the flag there is a 10 to 15 second
delay before the bars will open.you will see what I mean when you are playing.also each base has a basement
with connecting water tunnels.there is a boat to take you bewteen the two bases


This map is not to be changed in anyway unless written permission from me .
But is free for distribution on any server or website.
Authors may not NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. use your own imagination
This map may NOT be modified in any way without the author's express,
written permission.
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit

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