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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Patches/Demos :: Dash Faction 1.6.1 by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: rafalh [View Profile]
File Size: 4.8MB
File Type: exe
Added: 02/20/2021
Downloads: 5687
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This is not the latest version of Dash Faction! Newest version is available here: Installation Guide


Dash Faction is Red Faction game modification designed to fix original game bugs, improve compatibility with modern
hardware and software, extend functionality and improve graphics quality and engine performance.

- levels auto-downloader (uses factionfiles.com just like Pure Faction)
- spectate mode (first person or free camera)
- wide-screen support
- windowed and stretched display mode
- better graphics quality (anti-aliasing, higher textures color depth, anisotropic filtering, higher scanner view and mirrors resolution, LOD models improvements and more)
- improved security (enabled Data Execution Prevention, multiple Buffer Overflows fixes)
- removed/raised multiple game limits
- improved Scoreboard with Kills/Deaths column
- information about killer's weapon in chat
- option to disable level ambient sounds
- ui.vpp cheats prevention
- multiple fixes for high FPS (it is currently limited to 240), especially fix for well-known sub exploding bug
- country-specific edition support (properly handles game directory structure for German and French edition)
- improved game performance
- votes support for dedicated servers
- hit-sounds support for dedicated servers
- other usability and stability fixes

Major changes in version 1.6.0:
- use Direct3D 9 API (instead of Direct3D 8) to benefit from a better support in modern operating systems
- a lot of improvements in the level editor which makes it a good replacement for REDPF
- better support for DDS textures
- better support for custom meshes (Switch_Model event)
- 3D sound support
- other fixes and optimizations

Major changes in version 1.6.1:
- added fov and fpgun_fov_scale commands
- improved server-side cheat prevention
- raised decal limit
- remove UID limit (50k) in editor
- many RF bugs and DF regressions fixed

See CHANGELOG.md in installation directory for details.

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