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The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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Posted: March 8, 2018, 20:50 Post #1
For help with Red Faction, including an FAQ, resolutions to common issues, and a quick start guide, please visit http://redfaction.help!

Please note that although I've taken precautions to ensure the information on http://redfaction.help is accurate, as it is a brand new service, it's possible some information may need slight corrections. If you notice anything that appears incorrect or misleading, or if you have some suggestions for useful information you think should be added, please contact me (on the FactionFiles Discord would be best).

If you notice anyone running into issues with any Red Faction game, please feel free to direct them to http://redfaction.help for a solution.

PS. Be sure to check out one of the most useful parts of http://redfaction.help - the [comparison chart of Red Faction versions]! This easy reference chart compares the key differences between official versions 1.2 and 1.21 with Pure Faction, and Dash Faction!

The FactionFiles forums are archived. Please join the community on our Discord for all Red Faction discussions.
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