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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Misc Clientside Mods :: Mutant Energy! by IggyMoonDust
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Author: IggyMoonDust [Search Author]
Uploader: Intharth [View Profile]
File Size: 523.6KB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/23/2023
Downloads: 10
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Here on Mars... Energy and hydration can be sparse in the ultor mines, but fear not! Capek's been testing some new liquids with Mutant fluids and he's come up with a brand new Energy Drink to keep you AMPED UP and in the fight!!



Small clientside mod that replaces the Damage Amp model, Enjoy :)


Energy Can.v3m
Mutant Energy Textures


To install simply drag the .vpp into the usermaps/single folder :)
MysticaL-AceR · Sun 24 Dec 2023, 8:57 ·
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It awakes the mutant monster within you. :01:
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