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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Nowhere Bagge Farm (CTCD) by MysticaL-AceR
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Author: MysticaL-AceR [Search Author]
Uploader: SeeLkaDooM94 [View Profile]
RFL Name: DM-NowhereBaggeFarm.rfl
RFL Date: 10/31/2019
File Size: 43.6MB
File Type: zip
Added: 10/31/2019
Downloads: 638 (333 In-Game AutoDL)
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The Bagge Farm from Nowhere, Kansas. (fictional area) straight inspired from the good ol' cartoon Courage The Cowardly Dog.
Now with less vinegar!

Many other games such as Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead 2 or Minecraft had already this farmhouse built, then i said why not in RF as well? I took the shot and i hope it'll be worth it for all Courage fans out there that miss the series just like old times. As the cartoon itself is as old as the RF.
I could've added more gimmicks from the show but since i almost reached the editor limits, i've done my best to keep all important areas and sound effects within the map to give it a horror/spooky feel just like in the cartoon.

Happy Halloween and keep fragging!
BATEMAN · Sun 12 Feb 2023, 7:31 ·
and like this
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Cant believe I haven't written a review for this map as its a sure favourite of mine and I'm sure amongst other people too. I love hiding behind the hay bales sniping as well with a combination of popping up out of the ground lol. Fantastic geometry work on the Nowhere Bagge Farm items. Although the outside is vastly open, the fog limits the view to the far sides of the map which keeps it playable when you are outside.
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