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Posted: September 28, 2010, 19:18 Post #1
I've seen talk of holstering weapons in run maps, and I heard someone made a thing with an event loop that just calls Holster_Player_Weapon. That works but the weapon flickers on-screen and is ugly. Here's the proper way to do it in an RFL...

Note that this will cause the crosshair to disappear

1) Create a trigger that covers the entire spawn area (just the spawn area, not the entire map!). Resets -1 times, resets after 0.10 seconds, Is Clientside.
2) Create a delay. Add it to a group and add two keyframes.
3) Create a Holster_Player_Weapon event, and write down the UID
3.5) If you have trouble selecting the gold keyframe, select the delay and press H to hide it
4) Gold keyframe: Movement type Ping-Pong Once, Departing time 0.01sec, Returning time 0.01sec
5) Silver keyframe: Movement type Ping-Pong Once, Departing time 0.01sec, Returning time 0.01sec, and for Trigger Event With UID put in the UID of the Holster_Player_Weapon
6) Link the Trigger to the gold keyframe
7) Test and enjoy!

Posted Image

Test RFL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8362718/HolsterMe.rfl

If you use this, I'd appreciate if you put my name and a link to Faction Files in the readme.
Edited by Mitzi at October 19, 2014, 0:33

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