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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction: Guerrilla - Software - Tools :: Mod Manager Re-Mars-tered by HazardX, moneyl, other contributors
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Author: HazardX, moneyl, other contributors [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 868.1KB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/19/2019
Downloads: 1326
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This is an updated version of the rfg mod manager made originally by Hazard_x. It is required by many mods and is very useful as it allows better mod compatibility and easier mod installation. I've updated it to fix a few issues that cropped up with the remaster. Notably, auto table.vpp_pc renaming now works, the run game button now works, and the mods included with this version have already had the folder fix applied to them. The important thing being that this version works for the remaster with no changes required by the user.

1) Unzip the mod and copy its contents into your RFGR folder. You should now see the mod manager exe, rfg.bat, gibbed.volition.dll, and a mods folder all in the same folder as rfg.exe. See the picture below on what your folder should look like once it's installed. There way some logs in your folder as well if you've run the game, that is fine.
2) Open mod manager and select mods you wish to use, click activate. Once they are activated if there are no errors just click run game and you are ready to go.
3) To disable mods, click the "Restore original files" button.
4) If you download any mod manager mods from other modders just drop their folder into your mods folder and activate them.

Included mods:
All Upgrades Unlocked, by SimpleArrows
Explosive Pistol Bullets, by Hazard_x
Freeroam Mode, by Hazard_x
God Mode, by Hazard_x
Increased Reconstructor Range, Hazard_x
No Startup Logo, Hazard_x
Player Character Settings, Hazard_x. Updated by SimpleArrows
Safehouse Vehicle Selector, Hazard_x
SP Building Collapse, Hazard_x
Stronger Remote Charges, Hazard_x
Unlimited Ammo, Hazard_x
Wrecking Crew Maps for MP, by NBtX and modified by Hazard_x
nme · Mon 21 Jan 2019, 14:46 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
amazing bro. nice to see people not just modding for rf 1, 2 great job, thank you!!
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