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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Run :: KOZ Obstacle by Kiliad of Oz
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Author: Kiliad of Oz [Search Author]
Uploader: Legacy Uploads [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmkozobstacle.rfl
RFL Date: 08/28/2004
File Size: 879.7KB
File Type: rar
Added: 04/15/2014
Downloads: 1411 (1092 In-Game AutoDL)
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Having played the DeathRun maps created by Cyrus I was inspired to make a map on similar lines.
I actually hate playing this kind of map. I appreciate the work Cyrus put into his maps but I find then very frustrating... although I think that\'s what he might have wanted LOL. My intention is no different. I just want to make people grit their teeth and scream in annoyance LOL.

So what does this map have in it?

It has lava, it has acid, it has lightning... but wait! theres more!
It has traps, it has invisible walls and foors, it has earthquakes.

What\'s that I hear you say? Does it have squid?

Now for the warnings.
Don\'t waste your bullets because You\'ll need them in one section of the map.
You just have to figure out when and on what they must be used.

Also, while this is a multiplayer map, its not really designed for a lot of players all at once.
Lag is a major issue since some of the trigger/event combinations can go out of sync.
Ideally you\'d play it on your own or have others follow you through to prove you can do it.
You can time yourself accurately by starting the in-game counter which counts down to zero.
The counter gives you 10 minutes which is more than enough. This is not a big map.
I can get through in 2 minutes 32 seconds without much effort.

Feel free to open the map up in the editor ONCE YOU\'VE COMPLETED IT (lol) to see how it works.
I hope it will inspire others to make similar maps.... but don\'t expect me to play them LOL.

Special thanks to Beatonator and the blood he was willing to lose in the testing of this map lol.

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